Extra Time

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(Jungkook's POV)

The line of ARMYs is coming to an end. I have not seen her yet. Did she come? She has been to every fanmeet here in Seoul. I hope she came.

A girl with pink hair is moving over now. Our eyes instantly meet. 'Samantha!' She came! Wow I love her pink hair. I do not know what it is about her, but everytime I see her I get butterflies in my stomach. All I want to do is continue to talk to her and get to know her. Why do we have such a limited amount of time.

"Hello Samantha, how have you been?" I asked her. "You remembered my name." she said with a slightly confused look on her face. "I told you I hoped to see you again, did I not?" I said with a smile on my face. "Well yeah, I'm just shocked you actually remember me with all the ARMY you meet." she said as again our time was running out. "I wish there was more time." I said I felt a tap on my shoulder. She moved on to Taehyung and finally finished the table. I kept glancing over at her in hopes she would not leave yet. 'Maybe we could get a little extra time once the fanmeet was over.'

Once I met with the last girl, I got up and went over to Jimin. "Yah will you do me a favor?" I asked him as I leaned down to his ear. "Sure, what do you need?" he replied. "Do you see the girl over there with pink hair and the black beanie?" I asked him as I pointed at her. He nodded. "She has been to every fanmeet for the past 2 years. There is something like sparks everytime we meet and talk. I need more time to talk to her." I said as I kneeled down. "Ok so you want my help... how?" He asked. "How can I get more time with her?" I asked him with a pouty look on my face. "Go talk to her now before she leaves and ask if she has plans. If she does not, maybe take her to one of the conference rooms and talk." he replied. "Come on I will go with you." he said as he got up from his chair.

(End of of JK's POV)

Jungkook leads me to a door, which leads down a hallway. "Here in this conference room." Jimin said as he opens the door. We walk inside and there are three couches forming a U shape with a coffee table in the middle. Jungkook lets go of my hand after we enter the room. Jimin went and sat down on the couch to the left and Jungkook sat next to him. Sung-Mi and myself went and sat together on the couch in the middle. "Wae did you bring us here?" I asked. "Thought we could use some extra time to get to know each other." Jungkook said. "Oh ok, what would you like to know then?" I asked as I got more comfortable on the couch. "First do you like to be called Samantha or Sammie?" he asked. "Sammie." Sung-Mi responded before I could even open my mouth. "Ok Sammie, is that what everyone calls you?" he asked as he got up and came and sat down beside me. "Ne" I replied. "Ok then, I'll call you Samantha, then. So where are you from in America?" he asked me. "I'm from Los Angeles, California. I moved to Korea when I was 18. I came here to dance for 1Million Dance Studios." I said. "Oh so your a dancer?" Jimin asked as he looked up from his phone. "Ne, as soon as I was able to walk." I said as I laughed a little. "You have a cute laugh." Jungkook said as he smiled at me. "Thank you." I said softly. "Can I see your phone?" he asked. "Sure." I said as I took my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to him. He opened my phone up and handed it back to me. "Passcode?" he asked. I took the phone and swiped my passcode in and unlocked my phone. He started to type something into my phone. Then all of a sudden his phone started to ring. "There now we have each others numbers." he said, but before he handed me my phone back. He held my phone out in front of us. "Let's take a selca." he said. We took a few, first we both smiled normally. Then he made a piece sign and moved it to his left eye and I made a smirk. Last selca suprised me, he kissed my cheek! He handed me my phone "Oh thank you." I said as I smiled at him. "Send me those." he said and I could feel my cheeks turning red. "Could I come see you dance sometime?" he asked as he put his hand on my thigh. "Sure..." I said as I felt my cheeks turn even more red. "She is actually working on a solo ballet piece right now that you might actually really like to see." Sung-Mi said as she nudged my arm a little. "Oh yeah, I am. I have not done ballet since I was 16..." I said but was interrupted by Jungkook. "Well then I will come see it." "Tell him what song you are dancing to." Sung-Mi said as I gave her a look that was to tell her to zip it. "What is the song? He asked. "Lost Stars." I said quietly. "I know that song. By Adam..." he said but was interrupted by Sung-Mi "No, your cover of it." "Oh yeah your going to see her dance now and I'm coming too." Jimin said as he lifted his head up and took his attention away from his phone. "Um sure you have my number so just let me know when you are coming. I'm at the studio weekday." I said. "Yah Jungkookie, I'm getting hungry?" Jimin said as he sat up. "Ok hyung, ne we should get going and let you two get home." Jungkook said as he stood up and held out is hand for me to take. "Ok yeah, thank you for spending more time with us." I said as I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. Then he pulled me in for a hug. 'Oh my I hope he can not feel my heart beating so fast right now.' Jimin came and hugged Sung-Mi and myself as well. They both walked us out of the arena and then went back inside to meet the other members.

When we got back to the apartment building, I was so tired. I told Sung-Mi goodnight and headed into my apartment. I kicked off my shoes and went to my room. I was so tired I decided to take a shower in the morning before heading to the studio. I changed into my oversized shirt and a pair of pj bottoms, then crawled into bed. As I was laying in bed I heard my text message ringtone go off. I grabbed my phone saw it was Jungkook.
Jungkook- It was nice to finally get to know you a little more. Goodnight beautiful and Happy Birthday.
Sammie- My birthday is not till the 15th, but thank you. Let me guess Sung-Mi told you?
Jungkook- Ne she did tell me, I have a couple off days so maybe I can see you on you birthday.
Sammie- Ok, I would like that.
Jungkook- Ok, till then goodnight noona.
Sammie- Goodnight Kookie.

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