Performances from the Heart

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A few days later Jungkook and the boys left to continue their Wings Trilogy Episode III Tour in Japan. I, myself had a very busy schedule as well. My Lost Stars performance is today. This morning I woke up to a video message from Jungkook. "Yah jagiya, I miss you already. I know you will do a great job today with your performance. I am there with you in your heart." *makes a heart with his hands and hovers it over his heart* "I want to hear all about it when it is done. I have to go now jagi, thinking of you always." *blows kisses into camera*

After that, I left my apartment and headed to the theatre near the studio. Todays performance show will be held there. We all met in a general gathering room backstage. "Performers please gather around!" E.J. said loudly so we all would stop what we were doing and come to him. He was holding a glass bowl with little folded white papers inside it. "Everyone will draw the order they perform from this bowl." he said as he held the bowl out for everyone to see. "There are 12 of you performing." he said as he held the bowl in front of each person to take a paper out. I reached in and took out my number. '7' I am happy with my number. I am not first or last which means I will be able to watch some of the other performances, as well. E.J. wrote down our performance order on a white dry erase board. "Jebal pay attention to the order and numbers being called. You do not want to miss your performance. Park Ji-Young will be in charge of the backstage and getting everyone where they need to be. Listen to her." he said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Ji-Young started calling performers three at a time. First three went to make-up and hair, while the rest of us either sat down, stretched, or were just standing around talking. Finally she called seven, eight, and nine. "You three head off to make-up and hair now!" she said loudly. The make-up artist went with a very elegant style for me. Shades of black, grey, and silver glitter covered my eyelids. While my lips were a warm peach color to match my cheeks. The hair stylist put my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head. I snapped a photo once they were both done with me and sent it to Jungkook. Next we were told to make our way to the dressing rooms for outfits. My outfit was a black leotard with silver sequins on the top half that faded to black going down on my stomach. Skin-tone leggings that also had silver sequins down the outside of my legs. A black long flowy skirt and black ballet slippers to finish off. I went to the full length mirror and took another photo for him. I returned to the gathering room ready to go. Sung-Mi came back to wish me luck. "Can you take my phone for me and record my performance for the boys? They wanted to see it." I asked her while handing her my phone. "Sure and good luck up there." she replied as she gave me a huge hug. After about 5 minutes we were finally called to the side of the stage. "Break a leg Sammie." I heard a voice say to me from the side of the stage. It was Chung. "Thank you." I replied. I looked out to try to see Sung-Mi, but I could not find her due to the theatre being so packed. E.J. was there with us. "Twinkle toes you are up. You have worked very hard. You will do great!" he said as I took a step up the stairs to get on stage. "Thank you!" I said and then took my place on stage. I gave my heart and soul into my performance. The song came to an end and the audience stood up and began clapping. I gave a bow and a curtsey before the red curtain closed in front of me.

(Jungkook's POV)

After Samantha's birthday that Saturday night the boys and myself had to fly out to Japan to finish our Wings tour. I can not stop thinking about her as I sit here on the plane. I miss her already. I sent her a video message this morning before leaving for the airport. I know I am an idol and I have a job, but I would love to be there to see her dance on stage. "Here" Jimin says as he hands me one of his ear buds. I snapped out of my daydream and took the ear bud. I started to move my shoulders back and forth and sing quietly along with the music. Before I knew it we had landed. We unboarded the plane. As we walked in between our bodyguards going through the airport, I started to hear ARMY screaming our name. I looked up and smiled. I even gave some of the cameras a few smiles and my traditional piece sign. I love ARMY, if it was not for them I would not be doing what I love right now.

We headed straight to the arena for rehearsal, since our show was tonight. Once we got there we all met in the main gathering room to eat. As I was sitting down to eat my phone started to ring. I looked down and saw a video call coming through from Samantha. I accepted it, but it was not her.
Sung-Mi- "Yah Jungkook it is Sung-Mi, I have Sammie's phone. She wanted me to record her performance to show you and the boys."
Jungkook- "Really! Is she about to go on?"
Sung-Mi- "Ne"
Jungkook- "Yah guys come here! Samantha is about to perform. Come watch!" We all gathered around my phone and watch her performance. She was so beautiful!
Namjoon- "Wow look at her! Beautiful!"
Jimin- "Lucky Jungkookie."
I could not talk. I just watched her dance gracefully on stage. By the end of her performance I felt tears form. She did an amazing job.
Hoseok- "WOW! Way to go Sammie!" Yoongi- "She really is a good dancer." Jungkook- "Ne, she is."
Sung-Mi"Ok guys I also recorded it with my phone. I am going to end the call now."
Jungkook- "Thank you Sung-Mi"
Sung-Mi- "Your welcome, bye guys good luck tonight!"
She ended the call and I put my phone down on the table. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were still standing around me. "Good song choice." Namjoon said as he gave me a wink.  "Do you think she would want to choreograph for BigHit and us?" Yoongi asked me. "I do not know, maybe." I replied. "You should ask her." Hoseok said. "Ne and we can talk to Sejin and Bang for her." Namjoon said. "Ok yeah. I will ask her then." I said. Once I was alone again I called Samantha.
Sammie- "Hello"
Jungkook- "You were so beautiful on stage."
Sammie- "How did you see my performance already? I have not sent you the video yet."
Jungkook- "Sung-Mi video called me with your phone. We all watched you perform."
Sammie- "Awww thank you."
Sammie- "When do you all perform?" Jungkook- "Well we are about to go rehearse for a few hours then back to the hotel to shower and clean up. Maybe sleep too. Hahaha then back up to arena at 5PM for hair, make-up, and to prepare for tonight. Show is at 8PM."
Sammie- "Ok Kookie. I hope you all have a great show tonight." 
Jungkook- "Thank you. Wish you were here. I miss you."
Sammie- "Me too." 
"Time to go BTS!" a Sejin was calling us to go to the car.
Jimin- "Is that Sammie?... Hello Sammie! Great job with performance!"
Jungkook- "Ok jagiya I have to go now."
Sammie- "Ok Kookie, talk after show." We both blew kisses to each other before hanging up.

That night I performed with ARMY in my heart and my Samantha!

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