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"You have to go.. now." He says sternly, presenting a wad of fifty pound notes tied together with an elastic band.

"What about you? What about Jonnie?" I ask, feeling fear build up in my chest and tears prick in my eyes the more he spoke. I couldn't bare leaving them..

"I'll figure it out later! You're the one that is in trouble right now! Just take the money and get the nearest train out of here..." He shoves the cash into my bag of clothes and toiletries, proceeding to push me out the door.

"But-" my sentence was cut off by the gruesome sound of glass meeting counter then a grunt of rage. He turns around, cursing under his breath, then proceeds to push me further away from the hostile home.

"Call me when you get there, check into the nearest hotel, and look for a job," he says hastily, hearing footsteps tread onto the oak lining of the porch. He pulls me further into the shadows, hoping to hide our appearance and stall time. The sound of names and curses can be heard in an echo as we sprint further from the wretched man trailing behind us.

He spins me around, embracing me into a tight hug. We  separate as we hear footsteps approach us and panic strikes us both in the face. I feel a tear shed from my eye as he pushes me to go on.

"Be safe bro, I love you."

"Nick-" I stop when I see a shadow run up to Nick with full speed and push past him like he was merely an obstacle. He drops to the floor with a loud thud before screaming out, "Run!" I did exactly what he told me, too afraid to look back.

"Get your ass back here!" I hear from behind me as I make my way across the street and out of the block. Thanks to my tall stature, I quickly outrun the middle aged man before taking a random turn into a local street. I sprint nonstop until my lungs are burning and I can't hear anything but my own panting. Before I know it, I am in the local park, surrounded by nothing but darkness and the sound of crickets chirping in the creek. I place my hand onto my chest, heaving and coughing for air. Taking a seat on the damp grass, I throw my bag off my shoulder and pull out the roll of fifty's.

"Fifty, one hundred, hundred fifty..."

I spend five minutes counting the money before furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 'This can't be right.." I whisper, doubt filling my voice. I double check, counting the money for a second time, and getting the exact same amount I got the first time.

'£6000..' I say to myself, confusion still written all over my face. How did Nick manage to get this much money? He's in Uni and he doesn't have time for a job.. He could've stole it from mum and dad...

I shiver at the thought, easing my mind into a new task. I pull myself to my feet and put a familiar address into my maps app. My phone flashes, showing a five minute route to the nearest train station. I look both ways, making sure no one was following me, before exiting the park and walking along the main road.

"See you soon London.." I whisper, taking in the atmosphere of Hertfordshire one last time...


The trip was quiet. Too quiet.

The train was filled with executives, reading the paper and letting out the occasional cough into their handkerchief. They had on the most costly suits on along with their beards trimmed to perfection. They seemed so calm, quiet, like they had everything figured out.

Then there is me: Simon Minter, the 19 year old runaway who has no idea what he is doing.

I graduated five months ago with flying colors and a perfect record. My goal was to become a police officer just like my father, but I had to get something off my chest first..

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now