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"Cal, let him go!"

The mans grip releases from around my neck, allowing me to breath without struggle. I spin around to get a glimpse of this 'Cal' figure, in hope of getting some reassurance. His dark hair is spiked up to the ceiling and black stubble peeks from his chin. I remember seeing him drop Nick off at home once, saying that he was a friend from Uni. Guess not.

He gives me a simple nod before pushing me closer to Nick by the small of my back. Nick smiles in relief before coming towards me in happiness. I only respond by backing away until my back is touching the counter. He gives me a look of confusion before attempting to walk closer to me. "Simon, wha-"

"Let them go." I mumble, motining my head to the boys being held back against their will. I would be ecstatic to see Nick if he didn't have all six boys at gunpoint. I wish it was over but we still have a lot to explain.

"Simon, these guys are fucking savages. They aren't who you think they are." He says, holding a signal up to his men, almost as if he is saying 'don't let them go.' I feel my blood boil as Nick slanders the men who helped me for the past months, my fist clenching as I walk up to the shorter sibling.

"And you're any better? Fucks sake Nick they've lost three men because of your gang. JJ was shot!" I yell, nearing closer to his face, "I feel like I know them more then I know my own brother!" This takes Nick aback, his eyes showing sympathy before growing hard again. "You weren't supposed to find out this way.."

"Then when was I supposed to?" I yell, lightly pushing him closer to the island, "when you were arrested? dead?" My heart rate quickens as my anger reaches an all time high. The boys only watch from their standing point as I take out my pent up anger.

"I couldn't tell you then, I-" He stops midway, shaking his head in annoyance. "I- I just couldn't.."

"Why?" I whisper, watching as he stares off in the distance, "tell me."

"Because you were so miserable, I didn't want to make it worse! You were getting beat every night and you were denied from Uni! I thought you finding out about the gang would push you to the edge!" He screams, punching the table next to him. His breathing is ragged as he places his elbows on the table, breaking out in a sweat. "I don't want to lose my brother.."

The boys look in shock at Nick's words, watching as he looks up with glossy eyes. "I thought giving you the money to leave would help you have a better life. I was going to tell you when you got better but-" He glares at the boys, his eyes darkening at the sight of JJ, "These assholes had to ruin that."

I quickly jump in, pulling myself in front to JJ to block him from Nick's view. "These 'assholes' are the reason I am better. They gave me a family. I feel welcomed here and you are not taking that away from me." I growl, grabbing JJ's hand from behind me. He gives it a light squeeze before letting me scoot closer to Nick.

Nick looks at me in disbelief, running his hands through his hair. "There is no way you can call this whore house a family. I'm not letting you do this to yourself..." He whispers, pulling his hand up to motion something to the boys. "Get rid of them."

The men start to drag the boys away with much struggle, causing panic to erupt in my chest. I pull up the nearest gun on the floor and pull it up to my head. The cold metal meets my skull, causing me to shutter at the thought of the power I held right now.

The boys freeze, letting out small gasps as I check that it is loaded. My breathing is jagged as all of the boys watch my actions in utter fear. I turn over to Nick, a serious look taking over my features-

"If they go, I go."

I look over to see JJ struggling under his capturer once again, ripping the man's arm away from his mouth and watching me out of breath. "Simon, please.... don't.." I watch him in despair, but keep a shaky hand to the trigger as I keep it placed to my head. Nick lets out a small sigh before whispering the only words he could muster up.

"Let them go."

They release their grip from the boys, all of them letting out sighs of relief and watching me in caution. I slowly pull the gun away from my head, tears begin to run down my face as time goes on. JJ notices this and quickly runs up to me, ripping the gun from my hand and pulling me into his his chest. I let out a choked sob only he could hear before wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're okay," he whispers, kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer into him by my waist. I look over his shoulder to see Nick glaring at JJ, hatred leaking from his features. I pull away before spinning JJ around so his view meets Nick's.

He understands what I am trying to show him, walking up to him in a calm manner. "Look, Nick, I want to make an alliance with yo-"

"After all you've done to this fucked up city? Why should I make this alliance? So you can fuck my brother and make him believe he's wanted." Nick sneers, pulling his hand onto his hip. I feel tears prick in my eyes at the comment, my hand going over my mouth to silence a quiet sob. Vik runs over to me, hugging me by my side while JJ and Nick continue to fight.

"That's not true.." JJ whispers, the other boys shouting in agreement, "I've lost everyone I've ever loved. My brother, my mother, my father; losing Simon would be like losing them all over again.." He whispers, turning his head to look at me in gratefulness. I smile a bit, knowing how much I mean to him. He turns back to Nick, who still holds a cold stare as JJ pulls his hand out towards him. "So what do you stay?"

We all watch in anticipation as Nick lets out a deep breath, a storm of thought taking over his appearance. He reaches into his front pocket before yanking out a loaded pistol and aiming it towards JJ. Time freezes as the other boys pull out their guns too, waiting for someone to shoot. Before Nick can stop his actions, I hop in front of JJ, pulling him onto the floor in the process. "Simon no!"

I hear two gunshots before every scream and shout turns into a white noise. I feel hands grip my wrists but the figure is blurry in front of me. It feels like an hour of complete dizziness before my knees collapse and the world around me becomes black. My last memory is Nick pulling the trigger, the look of regret written all over his face.


I was going to update yesterday but I broke my foot . See how it happened at ig://cal.pringles

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now