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"Si, stop I can do it by myself," JJ mumbles with annoyance, swatting my hand away from his struggling frame. He has finally got to the point where he can stand on his own, yet he is still having difficulty walking around easily. I always try to help, but each time he refuses; saying something along the lines of 'I just need some time' or 'I've been through this before'. He tells me every time, but each time I still offer my hand. I know it annoys him, but I hate seeing him struggle against his own body's will. I let him do what he wants though, I care too much of what he thinks to stop him.

After a few seconds of painful grunts, he pushes himself up until his feet are flat on the floor and his hands are gripping my waist. He smirks, playing it off as if he meant to do it, but I know he did it for extra support. He can act as if he is fully healed, but his scar is still swollen and bloody. He got his stitches out a few days ago and now he thinks he is invisible. He even straddled me yesterday, soon realizing it was a bad idea when blood started to bleed onto my stomach. I can tell its hard on him though, he is meant to be the leader of the group and he can't do much.

Tobi has taken over in his time of need though. Josh was supposed to take over, but he is having a hard time ever since JJ got shot. I'll find him sitting with Tobi, bags under his eyes and hands twitching. He takes a lot of meds, they're all kept in the cabinet in the main bathroom. It sad to see him so miserable, I just hope he goes back to normal when this whole fiasco is over.

"Come on," I whisper, pulling him out of the room and down into the main room where the boys were surrounding the TV. It's almost alarming seeing all of the boys chatting amongst each other, their laughter filling the whole room. The last time I was in the room was when Tobi dragged me in and Josh was crying in the corner. For a room I once found dark, it sure was full of love. Even Josh was smiling along to something Ethan told him, hiding his face in Ethan's shoulder to hide his reddening face. JJ pulls my arm, dragging me along into the room and over to the L shaped couch.

The boys quiet down at the sight of JJ, laughs turning into quiet whispers. Vik is the first to smile while Tobi lets out a slow clap. The whole room erupts into cheering while JJ rolls his eyes at the ridiculous crowd. "Really guys?"

"You're alive brother!" Ethan screams, letting out a ground breaking laugh and shaking Josh's shoulder back and forth. This causes Josh to laugh, his eyes filling with relief seeing JJ alive and well. He's been resting for weeks, the only ones seeing him being me and Tobi. I would be glad to see him as well.

JJ only laughs harder, pulling me down onto the couch next to him and slinging his arm over my shoulders. I lean into his embrace, pulling my knees up to my chest and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. It feels right, it almost feels like I finally found my way back home. I know the chaos isn't over yet; but in this moment, I've never felt more safe.

The boys notice out intimate behavior, before blowing it off and going on to a new subject.

Except Harry.

He gives us a blank look, raising his eyebrows in confusion as JJ rubs his finger along my palm. I take it as zoning out until he speaks up, his voice in a confident shout.

"Y'all fuckin?" He yells, Vik giving him a look of pure embarrassment. The room erupts with laughter as Ethan falls on the ground with his face red from laughing so much. "Fucks sake Harry," Vik mumbles, scooting closer to Josh as Harry smiles with pride. What is he proud of? Fuck knows, it's Harry.

JJ flips him off with his empty hand while I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment. The boys only laugh along, telling Harry to mind his business. JJ gives them a look of gratitude before placing a kiss at the top of my head. I hide my face in the crook of his neck as my face turns dark auburn. I always hated when people were affectionate around other people but now I just seem like a hypocrite as I feel JJ's lips turn into a smile onto the top of my head.

"You guys are actually really cute. Sorry about kidnapping you to use you for a bitch and all that.." Ethan mumbles as Josh keeps his head towards the floor. "me and Josh got a little lonely.."

"Horny." Harry adds on, continuing to eat his granola bar in silence. Vik once again gives him a glare, smacking the back of his head and causing him to choke on the bits of granola in his mouth. Harry runs off into the kitchen, most likely to grab a bottle of water. Vik shrugs it off, sinking his tiny frame into the deep couch. I lightly shrug my shoulders, making shapes into my knees for comfort. "It's alright.."

Ethan looks up in confusion, his eyebrows knitted into the thin line, "You are way too calm about this.." I shrug once again, scooting closer into JJ's embrace, "This is probably the best case scenario I could've had.. I would probably be on the streets without you guys." The boys nod in understanding and JJ squeezes my shoulder for comfort. Tobi takes off his hat, lightly smiling at me from across the room, "Well you've done us good, consider us family." All of the boys nod in agreement, a smile forming on my face at their responses.

"Uh, guys?" Harry yells from the kitchen, his voice quivering a bit, "Something is wrong.."

"What is it?" Tobi yells back, sitting up slightly from his spot. He doesn't get a response as the sound of glass breaking erupts throughout the entire house. Harry lets out a couple of muffled screams before the sound of a gun loading sounds off. All of the boys stand up, yanking guns from their pockets and running off into the next room. I stand up to join, but JJ quickly pulls me back down.

"Please stay," He whispers, pecking my cheek before running out of the room. I let out a couple of stuttered words before realizing that I am the only one in the room. My legs stay frozen as I stare out at the end of the room, my hearing muffled as guns erupt.

I know JJ will be mad at me, but it's better than him not being able to see me again. I run out of the room and into the room that consisted of muffled screams. I could see from the entrance of the room that the window above the counter was shattered, glass covering the entire floor into dust. I turn the corner a bit, tensing at the sight in front of me. All five of the boys were placed into chokeholds and a guns were individually placed to their heads. My eyes widen as I notice the man facing the back of me, his small stature setting off an imitating aura. I walk in further, confidence taking over as I take small steps towards the man keeping the Sidemen at gunpoint.

"Nick-" I yell, but my mouth is quickly covered as a hand holds me back by my waist. JJ notices this, anger building up and he attempts to slam the man behind him against the wall. This only results in JJ getting a pistol slammed against his head and blood to gush from his head. I fight against the mans grip, biting his hand hard enough to draw blood for him to let go. "Nick!" I scream as the man pulls me into a chokehold and my hands find my way up to his forearm.

Nick spins around, eyes widening at my presence. "Simon.." He whispers before yelling out to the man behind me. "Cal, let him go!"


How many more chapters? Fuck knows. Ig:// cal.pringles

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now