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I woke up to someone dabbing (fuck I can never use that verb again) a wet cloth along my temple and humming a familiar tune to themselves. I turn my head on instinct, letting out a small grunt of disapproval as my head throbs against the rigid cloth. The hand quickly drags itself away from my skin, the contact of the cloth leaving my head.

"Oh, did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I was trying to be careful," He says timidly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I slowly open my eyes to be met with a boy much younger than me. He was about seventeen, or at least he looked like it; he kept an apprehensive stance under his tan skin- watching me with dark eyes. I give him a look of confusion before stretching my arms out, wincing as I feel my wounds rub against the rough sheets.

"Does that hurt? I'm sorry.."

Confusion continues to bottle up inside me the more he says he is sorry. He seems scared to even be around me, let alone speak to me. I slowly begin to sit up, avoiding the bruises that litter my body. They are going away, but I did get some bruises from those guys from the street also...

"Who.. are you?" I ask quietly, not knowing how to approach the situation at hand. His eyes widen, reaching his hand over for me to accept it.

"My names Vik," he says, a smile forming on his tanned face.

"Simon," I say, shaking his hand before dropping my arms to the side. He seems nice, but at the same time I don't trust anyone here. I've never really met anyone in a gang until now, but I'm pretty sure they don't do introductions.

He finally looks down at the red tinted cloth in his hand before letting out an 'Oh!' and proceeding to dab it onto the top of my head.

"Sorry, I have to get this done.. Your head is pretty bad..."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before blurting out, "Why are you so nice to me?" Nice one Simon..

He freezes and lets out a long sigh before continuing his work.

"Look Simon, I know you think it is bad right now, but it will get better. I don't know how JJ is with you, but Harry was alright with me-"

"How do you know what I'm going through," I growl out, a bit of anger laced through my voice. He stops what he is doing completely before yanking out a long strip of gauze and cutting it to an appropriate length. He continues the question at hand and continues to work on the gash on my head.

The room is filled with silence as he wraps the infected area, making sure to be careful around the wound. He pins it off, before packing his things, and dropping it to the side. He glares at me before handing me a t-shirt, along with a new pair of joggers.

"The shower is through that door," he says while pointing across the room, "JJ wants you out in an hour.. Which is midnight." I thank him with my eyes, having no idea what time or day it is.

He walks off to the door and I feel my stomach drop. To be honest, I don't want to be alone again.. Especially with, who I now know is, JJ. He keeps a dominant figure, and I didn't like it.. Before Vik can walk out the door, he says one more thing.

"Don't disobey anyone, follow his rules, and you should be fine. Oh, and I know how you're feeling because I was once in your shoes..."

I don't get an opportunity to answer before he shuts the door, locking it once again in the process. 'What the fuck just happened?' I whisper to myself, looking down at the clothes in my palms. It wasn't from my bag, it looked higher quality. It had the 'Rascal' logo on the front meaning the whole tracksuit costed at least £100.. I remember asking for one a while back and getting told it was a waste of money.

I make my way to the bathroom, being greeted with a room, once again, twice the size of my room at home. A row of five sinks, along with a shower big enough to fit ten people. I make sure the door is locked before gladly shedding my dirty clothing. I turn on the shower, letting out a sigh of relief as the hot water releases all of the stress from my body. I don't know how dirty I am until I look down to see a stream of dirty water wash down the drain. I quickly rub the grime off of my whole body, before grabbing a random shampoo bottle to wash my dirty blonde hair. I take in the feminine scent of the product before washing it out in a heap of dirt.

I walk out onto the cold tile, goosebumps appearing on my skin I pull on my new pair of pants. The clothes are a bit too large for me, but I am not complaining. Warmth instantly take over my body as I slip the baggy rascal bottoms up to my waist. I tie them into a tight knot before searching for something to wash out my mouth. I find a container of mouthwash under the sink, and gladly take a large amount into my mouth. I swish around the minty substance before spitting it into the sink and making my way to the door.

When I open the door, I am met with JJ. He is sat on the edge of the bed, texting rapidly with his phone in hand. He lets out a grunt of annoyance before throwing it onto the opposite end of the bed. I awkwardly cross my arms, not knowing how to handle the situation. He finally notices me and points out the spot next to him on the bed.


I hear Vik's words run through my head one more time as I JJ waits impatiently.

Don't disobey anyone, follow his rules, and you should be fine.

I quickly obey, filling the spot next to him on the bed. He stays quiet, staring off at nothing. I do too, afraid to say anything. After a moment of silence, he starts to speak-

"You will do what I say. You will be able to explore more of the house, but for now you stay in here and be quiet. You will eat when I tell you to eat, and sleep when I tell you to sleep. No one is allowed to touch you but me. If anyone tries to me intimate with you, tell me instantly. If not, I will find out. Are we clear?" He asks, pulling my chin up to make me look at him.

My stomach drops before nodding at letting out a quiet, 'yes..' He nods, dropping my chin and staring off again. 'Good', he mumbles before taking his weight off of the bed and walking into the bathroom. I let out a sigh, a shiny film covering my eyes. I want to trust Vik, but this is insane. I don't want JJ to touch me, I don't want to follow his every rule.

What if he tries to have sex with me? I feel tears fall down my eyes just thinking about it. I lay against the bed, resting my head against one of the pillows, before letting tears spill from my eyes. I cry until I the pillow is wet and the room is spinning. I don't stop when I hear a door shut with a deep sigh following it.

I feel drowsy as someone pulls the blanket over my body and the lights are turned off. I am too tired to care as a pair of arms pull me into their chest and their hands stay along my waist. Their warmth radiates onto my back, causing me to instantly fall into a deep sleep. My last memory of the night is the feeling of a hand running through my damp hair, avoiding the bandage tied along it.


If you wanna know when I am working on a new chapter, my insta is @/cal.pringles. I am always posting on my sort about it so there ya go.

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now