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I know JJ said it was no ones fault, but the guilt never left my chest the more I just laid there knowing the horrible things my brother could be planning. It feels like I'm drowning and struggling to come up for air. Even as JJ runs his fingers through my hair, I feel the need to pull him off of me and leave. JJ would never let that happen though. He's too protective of me to let me run off without him.

I stare down at JJ's abdomen, inspecting the deep gash that now stains his body. It's deep, but not deep enough to stop JJ. He is a softy, but acts hard in situations. He leads the group after all, he has to be somewhat imitating. He would jump up in an instant if there was a problem, the gash just wasn't enough.

Tobi has been coming in every few hours to give JJ painkillers, strong ones. He would doze off and slur his own words, his head resting itself on top of mine. Yet he never fell fully asleep. If only they knocked him out fully..

An idea pops into my head, but it's risky. It would need some coaxing, but it could work. I look up to JJ, his eyes fixed on an advert with his mouth open and revealing his bottom row of teeth. I let out a small smile, amazed at how focused JJ could get on a simple subject. He never made a conversation boring; he literally told me about the reproductive cycle of a penguin for an hour straight. He rips his eyes from the screen when I pull his hand out from my hair and sit on my knees in front of him.

"I'm going to get a drink.." I whisper, leaning closer to him with my arms crossed on his chest. I am too afraid to fuck with his stomach, so I stick with touching anything chest up. He nods before giving me a slight peck, ushering me to go downstairs. I let out a smile, running down the stairs and into the vacant kitchen.

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding in before searching through the medicine cupboard. I pull out the painkillers, scar cream, and band aids before I get to the very back of the cabinet. Syringes, masks, sprays; every illegal substance you could imagine. I let out a small gasp before ushering on through the array of weapons. I finally pull out something I remember quite clearly from my days in crime study. Flunitrazepam.

"Roofies.." I whisper, grabbing the assortment of pills I threw out and shoving them back into the empty cabinet. They probably used the drug to knock people out for a good amount of time. It's the most fucked up way to do it, but it's also the most efficient.

"What are you doing?" I hear from the doorway of the room, jumping out of my skin before shoving the bottle in my jogger pocket. I spin around to meet Tobi, giving me a look of suspicion. "Uhm- I-" Tobi cuts me off by pulling the bottle out of my pocket and inspecting the name on the front. His eyes widen before backing up to the counter and pulling the bottles behind his back.

"What the fuck did you plan on doing with these?" He shouts, causing me to pull my finger to my lips, motioning him to quiet down. He pulls his hands up, before mouthing an 'okay' and watching me with caution. I let out a sigh, knowing there were too many risks for this plan, before saying 'fuck it' and spilling the truth to Tobi.

"I want to help you guys with this, but there is no way JJ is going to let me. If I knock out JJ, I can go to Nick's base and make amends." I say while pulling my arms over the counter, hoping Tobi understands the struggle I am feeling.

He watches me for a few moments, an unidentifiable look on his face, before pulling out the drug from behind his back and placing it on the table in front of us. He continues to watch me as I give him a look of utter confusion.

"JJ doesn't want you to get hurt, but he doesn't understand that we need your help for all of us to get out of this alive.." He mumbles, pulling his hand over his face in a stressful manner, "Nick won't believe any of us unless you say it yourself, especially after those photos."

I nod, slowly picking up the pills from the table and placing them back in my pocket. Tobi nods, before saying, "Tell him that they are his painkillers. His keys are on his drawer and here's this," He mumbles, pulling out my wallet that consisted of my license and all of the money Nick gave to me. I give Tobi a look of astonishment, but he only gives me a hard look before patting my back. "Their base is along Jubilee Street, Whitechapel. Come back safe brother."

I smile, nodding at him before grabbing a water and making my way back up to JJ's room. Before I enter, I make sure to take a tablet out of the white bottle and keep it in the palm of my hand. The last thing I need is for JJ to question me about the bottle. When I enter, he is in the same position on his back, a dazed look on his face as he gives me a warm smile. "Hey, what took you so long?"

"I talked to Tobi for a bit," I smile sitting against the edge of the bed and grabbing his arm, "He gave me your painkillers." I pull out the white tablet, making sure to keep it a distance away from him so he doesn't see the familiar lines etched across the front. He gives me a look of disgust, before turning his head, "I don't need them. Just put it in the trash."

"What do you mean you don't need them?" I say in annoyance, knowing JJ is trying to act all tough even though there is a literal hole in his stomach, "Babe just take them."

"I feel fine. They make me tired anyways." He says stubbornly, pulling his arms over my chest. I let out a huff and make up a half assed idea to make him take the tablet. I crawl over to him, swinging my leg over his waist and hovering over his body. He shuffles under my gaze, his brown eyes avoiding contact with my blue. I decide to lean down towards his neck, making sure my chest makes contact with his.

"Please take them.." I whisper in his ear, leaving a kiss at the shell. I feel him shiver under my touch, his eyebrows knitting into a hard stare. "Simon this isn't going to work."

"Baby c'mon, they'll make you feel better," I mumble, hovering my lips over his as my bottom half skims past his groin. He lets out a groan, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me higher above him. "Simon, stop."

"Okay, I will. When you take the pills." I say as my hips once again drop down to his thighs. He hisses, ripping the pill from my hand and swallowing it dry. "There, fucking happy?" He grumbles, pulling the comforter higher to hide his obvious erection. I smile, leaving him one last peck before dropping to his side. "Very."

"Wonderful." He mumbles, pulling me closer into him by my waist. I smile, watching as his eyes droop further to the ground. His gash would've ripped open instantly if he tried anything. Sexual frustration is a bitch,

"Fuck this shit is strong." He mumbles, his grip loosening on my waist as the seconds roll on. I only pull him further into me, my face hiding in the crook of his waist. Guilt fills my chest knowing what I am doing to JJ is beyond wrong, but I need to do this. For him. For everyone.

After a few minutes of silence, I raise my head to see JJ's eyes shut and mouth open to invite steady breaths. I shut my eyes tightly to hold back tears before placing a long lasting kiss on the top of his head.

"I'm sorry JJ"

They were my last words before I pulled out the keys from JJ's top drawer and ran down the stairs to the once familiar garage. After a few minutes of toggling with the car, I turn it into ignition and check the time illuminated on the screen. "5PM"

"I'll be back by midnight.." I whisper before pulling out of the guarded home and into the busy streets of London.



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