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I am frozen in fear, my mouth shut and my eyes fixated on the man in front of me. Compared to me, he was well built; a bit shorter, but his figure definitely made up for that. His skin was a russet, reddish-brown; along with his mocha colored eyes. He must've been my age, maybe a little bit older.. Most strangely was his hair, almost 4 inches above his head...

I sit up and take a quick look around to notice the atmosphere of the room. It is dark, the only light illuminating was from pink lights connected to a few tables. The room is huge, three times the size of my room at home. Plenty of monitors, a flat screen, and a shit load of consoles. I have to admit, it's nice. Maybe I would be able to appreciate it more if I were in any other situation...

The man has an imitating aura, his head lowered and his eyebrows fixed down. I fidget in place as he stands over my scrawny frame. He stares at me for a while before throwing the blindfold onto a dresser and clapping his hands together.

"Okay, let's not do this the hard way .. What's your name?" He asks, spinning around to view me. I keep quiet. It isn't that I refuse to answer, I just don't know how to feel about the situation. Should I answer him?

I decide to keep quiet as I keep my stare at the ground. He lets out a sigh before spinning around again. 'Fucking figures...' he whispers, rubbing his hands over his face. I almost feel bad for not answering, but I continue to keep  my head down and stay quiet.

"What if we make a deal?" He says, walking up to me sitting along the end of the bed, "If you answer a couple of questions, I'll untie you.." He points at the ziptie along my wrists, rubbing them to the point of drawing blood.

I look up, curiosity in my eyes. I nod, desperate to get blood-flow through my wrist. He looks satisfied as he begins to walk around the room again.

"Were you alone?"

I nod, actually telling the truth. They had proof I was alone.. Saying I wasn't would only upset him..
He gives me a nod in return before continuing to ask questions.

"Do you live around here?"

I shake my head no, staring at the ground gravely. If I'm not from around here, it will be harder for anyone to find me... My heart rate quickens as he asks more questions.

"You had a ticket from Hertfordshire. Is that where you're from?"

I pause, realizing they confiscated all of my belongings, before nodding once again. There is no reason to make up excuses now, they know already..

He walks up to me before pulling out a pocket knife. Fear strikes in my face, but it quickly resides as he cuts the ziptie off of my wrist. I pull my wrists up into my hands, rubbing them until they no longer felt raw. He watches as I settle before flipping the butterfly knife around in his hand.

"Enough of the easy questions.. Where did you get the money?" He says, a serious look written on his face. He stops spinning the knife, pointing it in my direction.

I grow pale just hearing the question, not knowing how to answer it. I couldn't mention Nick, they might find him, hurt him. Nick had a future, unlike me. He doesn't deserve to be stuck in some gang's whore house. I stay silent, the man giving me a look of question. He sighs, running his hand into his pocket and pulling out my beat up phone.

"Oh, a new message from Nick, maybe I should just ask him.." He says, unlocking my phone and opening messages. My blood runs cold as he starts to type out a message.

"Wait!" I yell out before he can hit send. He looks up, a smirk formed on his face. He's hooked me.

"Oh look, you talk," he says sarcastically, letting out a smirk before sitting at the end of the bed, "Where did you get the money?"

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now