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It felt like hours before JJ returned, a saddened look across his face. I stay quiet, my fist now numb from pain. I didn't feel like talking; I didn't feel like doing anything really..

He opens one of his drawers, shuffling through his tops until he pulls out a familiar sweatshirt. I remember pulling it out later this morning, it is one of the hoodies with 'SDMN' written on the front. Along with the hoodie, he pulls out a plain black beanie, the letters once again spelling out 'SDMN' along the edge.

He walks over to me, handing me the items of nicely folded clothing. I give him a confused glance which only makes him shuffle in place, his eyes facing the floor. He seems.. nervous? This wasn't how JJ was a week ago; a week ago he was possessive, angry, and strict. Now he can't even make eye contact with me.

I ignore his anxious state, continuing to glare at him for answers. He lets out a breath before straightening up, standing over my small frame. His body screams confidence but his eyes say something else.

"We're going somewhere." He says, motioning me to put the top and beanie on, "C'mon, I want to be back before sundown."

I oblige, pulling the hoodie over my head and draping the thick cotton hat over my ears, hiding everything but a small snippet of my matted, dirty blonde hair. I could ask questions, but there really isn't a reason to at this point. I have nowhere to go, I might as well be his bitch.

I look up at his eyes to show I am ready, which he returns with a nod and reaches his hand out to help me stand. I accept it, lifting myself off the deep indention I have made on the bed and land on the carpeted floor. He gives me look before walking up to the door of his room. I follow slowly, not knowing if I was allowed to follow or not.

Before he opens the door, he takes a deep breath and turns to my direction. He pans up and down my covered body before saying-

"We'll be in public. Don't try to run off. It will only make things harder.." He mumbles, opening the door for me to walk out. I feel a peng of anger in my chest before mumbling-

"Like I have anywhere to go.." Shoving JJ in the process of passing him, causing him to let out a deep grunt. He glares in my direction, but I only glare back. If I'm going to be his bitch, might as well act like one.

He shakes his head before grabbing me roughly by the arm, leading me through the winding hallways of the house. I knew the house was huge, but I never expected this. We've only walked through a section of the house and I've already counted 12 doors. They are all shut, which gives the house a secretive aura. There is nothing on the ground but a couple of empty boxes, tape ripped from their edges. After walking down the spiral stairwell, he comes to a halt. He peeks past a corner before letting out a breath of relief.

He continues to drag me into a kitchen area where I am met with a boy I have never seen before and Vik leaning against his side. He is playing on his phone while Vik is happily eating cereal. They both look up, and fear builds up in both of their eyes.

The boy with Vik looks older, about JJ's age; but he still had a youthful glow to him, or maybe it was his feminine features; his hair was a big brown mess on his head, but I think he does it on purpose? He locks eyes with me, his mouth opening to say something-

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now