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I didn't bother seeing who was pulling me away from the mass of chaos in front of me. My only concern was JJ. His eyes are shut tight as his screams of pain are muffled out by the jacket shoved in his mouth. His arms are held down by Harry and Ethan, while someone I haven't seen before applies pressure to the gash just above his hip. I feel arms shake me, but it doesn't stop me from watching the scene. The boy applying pressure pulls off his hat, sweat drenching his forehead, and screams at Ethan to get him an abundance of items; the most noted one being forceps. They are going to pull a bullet out. My heart breaks hearing the news, knowing that JJ is going to be in an excruciating amount of pain. The body behind me seems to have given up, letting me watch the scene unravel in front of me.

JJ squints his eyes open, viewing the boys surrounding him in his helpless state. His eyes meet mine, which causes him to wriggle around on the island, yelling out unintelligible statements. Harry and Ethan keep him in place, turning around in shock as they notice my presence. I try to run up to JJ, but I am once again held tight as my back is stuck against the chest of a man much bigger than me. I look up to see a man with light eyes and a thick beard. He gives me a look of sorrow before keeping me held against will.

"Get him the fuck out of here Josh!" Ethan yells, pulling JJ down tighter against the table as his struggling becomes more aggressive. Josh starts to pull me away by the waist, but is quickly interrupted as JJ shakes his head 'no' and yells out muffled 'Simon's through the thick material placed between his teeth. Josh loosens his grip, giving me an opportunity to rip his arms off of me and make my way over to JJ. I push Ethan out of the way and grip JJ's hand, his gripping mine in return. He continues to let out muffled noises, annoyance visible on his face as none of the words come out the way he wants.

"Fuck it," I say out loud, ripping the material from JJ's mouth. The boys look at me in shock due to my vulgar behavior, but I ignore them as I continue to focus on the boy lying in front of me. JJ lets out a couple of ragged breaths before looking over at me in fear and confusion. I only grip his hand harder, showing him I am not going anywhere. My father is a cop and I took criminology for a major, I know how to treat a gunshot. Feeling a lot more sober, I look up to the darker man with the forceps before speaking out-

"You're pulling the bullet out right?" I ask, rubbing my hand along JJ's navel - seeing the skin irritated from the injury against it. He looks at me in shock, before nodding and pulling the cloth from his abdomen. The wound was a few inches deep, blood gushing out from the top. I quickly grab the shirt, placing it back along the wound before speaking again.

"It's deep. It will only get more painful as time goes on so you should pull it out now," JJ and Harry only watch as I control the situation. The man opens his mouth to respond only for Harry to interrupt him.

"I would listen to him Tobi.."

Tobi only shrugs, pulling the tool down to extract the bullet from JJ's hip. I quickly shove the cloth back into JJ's mouth as the forceps meet his pink tissue, blood gushing from the slightest contact. Tears fall from my eyes as JJ lets out a blood curdling scream and Tobi digs deeper into his hip. Not even the cloth between his teeth can hide the amount of pain he is enduring. I hold his hand tighter, my other hand holding his cheek hoping to give him a sign of reassurance. His back lifts off the table, allowing Tobi to dig further into his skin; yet Tobi pushes  him back down in fear of puncturing an organ. After a couple of seconds, Tobi pulls the forceps out to reveal a 9mm bullet - stained red from the blood it has shed. I pull the cloth out of JJ's mouth once again, allowing him to breath clearly before he passes out. His breaths become more frequent and his eyes hold a glossy layer as the pain resides, the forceps being replaced with a cloth to stop blood flow.

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now