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"We've got to talk."

I cross my arms over my chest before taking a seat directly across from him, a hard look on my face. I might not hurt Nick, but I'm not keen of him being around me. I don't think anyone would be happy to have a man that almost shot them sitting across from them.

He keeps his eyes lowered in guilt, nodding his head in agreement. He sits up a bit, trying to keep a tough persona but his eyes give away his fear. The tear marks tracking down his face and the bags under his eyes are enough to show how much he regrets his actions. It reminds me of Simon; never able to hide his emotions. They are related after all..

I let out a deep sigh before watching Nick closely, "First of all.." I announce, rubbing my hands together in anticipation, "Simon is alive. He does have a broken rib though.."

Nick's reaction is only a firm frown as he runs his hands through his hair in a stressful manner. He lets out a couple of shaky breaths before slamming his back against the leather padding behind him. "Fucking idiot.." he mumbles to himself, staring up at the ceiling in disappointment.

"Hey," I say loud enough to gain his attention, "Just calm down. He's alive." I pull myself higher onto the couch, watching as Nick gives me a look of disbelief.

"He's alive, but he's still hurt.. he shouldn't have to deal with any of this shit.." he mumbles, rubbing his temples as his voice cracks midway, "I thought taking him away from our hellhole of a house would make things better.. looks like I just made it worse."

His words surprise me as he keeps his head held low and hands in his hair. He seemed so heartless a while ago, now he's breaking at the thought of death. It's obvious that he loves Simon as a brother; as does Simon. I want me and Nick to be on good terms, but I don't know how to gain his trust.

"Nick, I really appreciate you trying to give the best to Simon, but I don't know how to convince you that he is safe here," I say with pleading eyes, "either we both win in this situation or we both lose."

He looks at me with complete defeat written on his face, "I know, but it's hard to trust someone who you have been in a feud with for years.." He says, nodding towards me in the process, "not to mention the last man who loved Simon turned on him.." He growls, crossing his arms over his chest. His hatred filled the whole room in that one sentence. It was enough to make my mind wonder of all the things that horrible man did to him.

It makes my blood boil as Nick nonchalantly compares me to Simon's father, but I stay calm. I get his point of view in a way, but he is no better than me. "I understand that, but I am nothing like him.. I don't think I could handle watching someone else hurt Simon. Hell, I would probably die to see him happy. Just you shooting him on accident pisses me off, but I'm staying calm for Simon's sake," I say as my eyes darken, Nick shuffling uncomfortably at my comment. He sinks further into his seat, watching me intently in thought before shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't like you either. But like you said, I'm doing all of this for Simon's sake.." he says before standing and walking over to me. I tense, pulling my hand up to the holster in my waistband to defend myself. He notices, pulling his hands up in innocence and shuffling back a bit. "I want a truce.. between your gang and mine."

I look up in confusion, before standing up next to his small frame and pulling my arm out for him to shake. He pulls his arm out but quickly draws it back. "Under one condition."

I usher him to go on, and he responds instantly. "Don't get him into all of this bullshit. Let him go to school, have friends, and live his own life." He says before pulling his arm out once again for me to shake.

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now