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I wake up to the sound of chatter in another room, though it is muffled in my drowsy state. The room is still dark, the only light coming from the red lights illuminating from JJ's keyboard. I try to turn over, but I am stuck in place as I feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I tense as I put my hands over the forearms keeping me in place; but I calm down, remembering last nights events and realizing that the body wrapped around me is none other than JJ. I shiver, feeling his deep breaths on the back of my neck and his arms move down to my navel. It's a nice feeling, and I don't want it to stop.

Did I wake up in the middle of the night, or is it morning already? I reach my arm over the table to grab the remote, only to be pulled closer into JJ, his arms tightening around me. I feel myself sigh under my breath due to JJ's tired actions. 'For someone who has anger issues, he's a real softy..' I think as I slowly pull JJ's arm off from around my waist. I pause a few times, making sure his breathing remains steady, before freeing myself from his grasp. He stretches his arms out, reaching for the air - most likely realizing that my body was no longer next to him. I quickly take action by grabbing an extra pillow from the bed and placing it in my unoccupied spot. JJ gladly takes the pillow, pulling it into his chest and letting out a content sigh. I pull my hand over my mouth, trying my best to stay quiet and JJ spoons an inanimate object.

I shrug off JJ's behavior, grabbing the remote from his dresser and watching the TV screen turn white. '12:00PM' I whisper under my breath, looking down at JJ's sleeping figure. He's usually up and out by now.. He must be really tired..

I decide to not disturb JJ in fear that he doesn't want to be woken up yet. I do take the opportunity to walk into the restroom and do some much needed washing up. I have no idea how to control my new hair style, so I quickly pull out all of my new products with confusion written on my face. I slowly pick up the hair gel, reading the back before attempting to rake it through my hair. After a couple of frustrating minutes, I finally brush my hair into a position I'm satisfied with. It stands tall in what most people call a 'quiff', with the silver bits reflecting off the lights. I smile in pride, satisfied with my work. It's funny how happy I am with myself, yet my parents would've killed me if they saw me like this. They never saw hair dye as a good thing, they thought it was too, 'flamboyant'. I should've seen the warning signs.

My smile fades as my eyes pan down to the baggy shirt that consumes my body. I slowly grab the bottom of it, lifting it up until I can see every little bruise littering my body. It's been over a week now, but they are still visible along my pale skin.. My eyes stay glued onto my hips as my fingers trace along the grey bruise just above my hip bone. It was the one Ethan grabbed. I shutter under his name. Ethan..

I didn't know who he was, but I didn't like him. It made me feel even worse that JJ let him do those things. He did stop him before it got too far though.. And he did help me hide when Ethan came to his room...

I sigh, throwing my shirt down and throwing my face into my hands. I don't know what to think of JJ. One second he is protecting me and apologizing, then he is yelling at me and hurting me. I stare at the neatly wrapped cast on my wrist.

'He's alright..' I mumble to myself, looking one last time into the mirror before walking out into JJ's room. I am met with the room being darker than usual - yet when my eyes readjust I see that JJ has not moved an inch and his body stays motionless under the thick comforter. I sit next to him with my legs crossed, scrolling through Netflix mindlessly searching for a new show to watch. After a few minutes into a random show, I feel something grip my thigh. I jump up in shock, only to realize that JJ is still asleep, his arm stretched out towards me. I check the time once again to see that it is half past noon.

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now