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A/N: Some pretty harsh fluff here. Next chapter, though? EROS! D:


I settled into bed and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I wrote a reminder: "get a haircut you filthy animal" and set my alarm for 5:30 am. I placed the phone back on the table and looked around my room. Almost four years ago, my father was convicted for sexual assault and sent to jail. He was stabbed and killed before he even got there.

Three years later, my poor mother had been hit by a bus. I've been living alone for almost three years now. A knock on my door roused me from the daze of my memories.

"Mokoto?" It was Viktor. I got up, running my hand through my long brown hair and walked to the door. "Have you called the hospital yet?" My hand froze as I gripped the doorknob. I took a deep breath.

"Not yet." I opened the door. Viktor was standing on the other side, his bubbly attitude translating to a smile.

"Yuuri and I are having a slumber party in my room. You can join us if you want. If you need me, just knock." He beamed

I sighed and then smiled

"Okay. Thanks Viktor. Tell Yuuri goodnight for me, ok?" I watched Viktor walk down the hall, and as soon as he disappeared into his room, I closed the door. I picked up my phone.

12:45 already!?! Dammit! I'd be tired in the morning. I typed my password and then touched the green phone app. I dialed, and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello, is this the Hanyū General hospital? Yes, I would like to schedule a gender reassignment surgery. Oh, female to male. Yes, Thursday is fine. Thanks." I hung up.


I decided to join the 'slumber party' later that night because I couldn't sleep. I opened my door and snuck down the hall. I opened Viktor's door, walking inside. Yuuri was fast asleep on the couch. A woolen blanket was wrapped around his slender shoulders. Viktor was sitting by the window. An empty bottle of plum wine was beside him.

"Ahh! Mokoto!" He turned to face me, and his demeanor suddenly became serious. "Right now, we are agape. We have unconditional love, a kind of attachment with no conditions. But, I would like something more." He stood up and grabbed the front of my hoodie. "I want..." he pushed me closer to the bed "Eros." He shoved me onto the bed, and pinned my arms by my sides.

"Uhh. Viktor. You're drunk." He leaned closer, and began to dry hump me. His warm breath brushed my cheek. "I'll give you Eros you'll never forget on Wednesday night."

"Damn...uh...I guess this is gonna...happen-ngh!" His lips brushed my ear. My sharp yelp woke Yuuri, who sat up and ripped his eyes.

"Viktor? What's going on here?" Viktor was frozen in place. I slipped from Viktor's grip and shoved the obviously drunk Russian aside. I forgot my house slippers as I ran out of the room.


Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now