Truth...or Dare?

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The night Viktor came home was relaxing and happy. All the stress I felt, all the pain from the hospital, just melted away. Sure, I've got to have a second reassignment surgery, but at least Viktor's alright. We all had a slumber party and played truth or dare, like the children we were. But it soon turned dark.

"Okay, Yuuri. Truth or Dare?" Viktor smiled slyly.

" about a dare." Yuuri laughed

"Kiss Mokoto on the lips." Viktor turned serious

"W-WHAT?!?!" We both recoiled, yelling in sync.

"That's a dare, Yuuri." Yuuri sighed, and I tried my best to stay still as he shoved his lips into mine. His lips were soft, and I felt as if my heart skipped a beat. We both pulled away, and Viktor laughed. Yuuri blushed and looked away.

"Mokoto, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Uhh...dare, I guess." I was nervous. The last few dares had been...let's say...sketchy.

"W-Why don't you-" Yuuri began

"Fuck Yuuri." Viktor interrupted, smiling.

"..." Yuuri looked like he was about to say something, but then closed his mouth. I was speechless.

"Go on." Viktor pushed me towards Yuuri

"Viktor, I can't." Doesn't he know?

"Why not?" Viktor looked disappointed

"I don't have a dick." I mumbled.

"You have a pussy. Use it." Viktor hugged Yuuri, yanking the skater's arms behind his back. "Or get a strap-on or something."

"V-viktor !" Yuuri was blushing a bright red.

"You have to do it." Viktor pushed his hand down Yuuri's pants. Yuuri moaned as Viktor pulled down his pants, holding Yuuri's manhood. "It was a dare."

"Mokoto...uhhn...please." Yuuri seemed to be begging now. I was getting really turned on, just watching this scene unfolding right in front of me. "Just...please!"

"There's a strap-on in that drawer. Don't ask how it got there." Viktor shrugged, still pumping on Yuuri's length. Yuuri was blushing, and calling out my name. I reached into the drawer, cause fuck it.

"Viktor, while I'm fucking Yuuri, I dare you to fuck me." Viktor gave me a thumbs-up sign, and unzipped his pants. I did the same, and strapped on the dildo. It was big and long; Yuuri's in for a real treat. I was lucky. It went around each leg and not over my pussy. I pushed Yuuri onto the bed and tore off our shirts. He was positioned in a way that made his dick touch my stomach, his legs around my waist. I placed the dildo outside his opening, and shoved inside

"Aahhh!" Yuuri moaned as I thrusted in and out. Even though I felt no pleasure, it made me happy to see that I gave him some. Viktor pushed inside of me in turn, and I moaned. This is what Eros truly feels like.

"Nngh!" I moaned, staring into Yuuri's hazelnut eyes. I reached down and held his arms beside him. A few minutes later, he came. The sticky fluid ran down my stomach, and I pulled out. Yuuri relaxed instantly, and fell asleep on the bed. But, Viktor wasn't done with me yet. He grabbed handfuls of my hair

"Hhff...where do you...nnn...think you're going?" He moaned and pushed me onto the bed. He was rougher this time, and aggressively slapped my ass. He didn't seem to be even close to climax. The sound of wet skin slapping against skin filled the room. And then, all of a sudden,

"Aaahhhh!" I came. Viktor didn't let up for a second. He was viciously hammering me now. But then, he stopped. Hot, sticky liquid poured out from inside of him, filling me. He flipped me over, onto my back, and kissed me. His tongue was soft inside my mouth. There was a certain taste, almost like coconut on his breath. I bit his lip playfully, and he blushed even more.

"I hope this doesn't count as cheating on Yuuri." He panted when we pulled away. We put Yuuri's clothes back on him, and did the same for us.



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