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I was up early, waking on the floor of Viktor's room. Yuuri was sprawled at the foot of the bed. Viktor was the only one sleeping normally, under the covers. I sighed and walked down the hall to the restroom.

"Ow~" I was sore...uh...down there. I hoped that Yuuri wasn't sore too. My legs were turning to jelly, so I used the wall as support. The bathroom was built so that many people could bathe at the same time, and it was fairly big. I paused in front of the mirror. Same old blue eyes. Although they seemed to be losing their color, turning a silvery grey. My hair is still brown. Guess I can't expect much, being only 19. I pulled off my clothes. I examined my scars, the ones on my arms and the ones from the surgery. I no longer had breasts, and the wounds were stitched near my armpits. I also noted that the stitches on my stomach were becoming covered in skin. I sighed, and turned on the faucet. I wasn't looking forward to the surgery that would make my physique more...uhh...masculine? I pressed my head on the wall, and banged on it with my hands. The water stung the cuts hat weren't healed yet. I relaxed and sighed. I wiped what was left of Yuuri and Viktor's cum from myself and grabbed the soap. I heard the door creak open. Somebody yawned, and I heard fabric settle, like somebody was undressing. I quickly finished washing and turned off the faucet. I rushed out of the room, not looking at who was undressing behind me.


"Hhff." I was running. I had to practice my skating. The competitive season was right around the corner. I arrived at the Hanyū skating rink and pulled my skates out of my bag. I pulled the laces taut, and then tied them. I slapped on the guards. I opened the door to the rink and smiled. I'm going to compete this year.


My mind was clear as I circled the ice, gently turning. I wanted to go over my triples: the toe-loop, loop, lutz, and salchow. I really need to work on my double axel. My only quad is the toe-loop, and I've never done a flip before, so I wanted to try that too. I put on my headphones. I skated around to get a bit of momentum, and kicked off into my triple toe-loop. All seems well. Then the triple lutz. My outward edge skidded, and I slipped a bit.
"Argh!" I fell. "Ow~That hurts!" I stood up and rubbed my bruised ass. "Try it again!" I mumbled. I tried it one more time, and this time, pulled out of the jump perfectly. I silently fist-pumped, and continued on to my triple salchow. I landed it! "YES!" I yelled. I attempted a loop, but the outward transition was flawed. I popped off a quad toe-loop, and landed it.


That's enough for today. I removed the headphones and wiped my forehead. I totally flubbed my double axel. Gotta work on that...
"Whew~" I slapped the guards on my skates and walked to a bench.
"You were good out there." I jumped. "But you need to work on your quads. I can try and teach you how to do a flip if you want." It was only Viktor
"You were watching?"

Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now