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"Cough!" I sat upright and coughed again.

"Hmm?" I heard pages turning "You're awake.There are three men here to see you."


"Vik-" I began, but was cut off by a squeal of delight from the Russian. His happy demeanor dissolved

"You almost DIED! Do you know how worried we've been for the past week?" I stopped him

"Wait- I know you, but who am I?" He looked at me strangely

"You're Mokoto Todoroshi, a famous half German, half Japanese ex-figure skater. Do you really not know who you are?" I looked at him.

"I remember now... Wait- ex-skater!?"

"Well, you see..." Viktor sat beside me.


Yuri and Yuuri greeted me when we got out into the waiting room. The blonde Russian seemed only slightly relieved. Yuuri began to cry when he saw Viktor cart me out in the wheelchair. I couldn't walk anymore. My left leg had been crushed beyond repair and had to be amputated just above the knee. I had stiff bandages covering my broken ribs and right leg. I was too broke to buy a prosthetic and pay for the service, so I just paid for the hospital bill.

"I'm so sorry!" Yuuri kneeled beside me.

"It's ok."

"No! This is all our fault." Viktor cut in.

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is! We should have told you we were leaving sooner. We should've known you would-"

"No it's not. I just got used to you being here. I knew it wouldn't last, but I just couldn't help myself. Don't let my decisions clip your wings." They looked at each other.

"You know, we could find a way to get you a prosthetic that can let you skate." Yuri pulled off his leopard-print headphones "I found this magazine in the waiting room." He pulled out an issue of 'Medical Sciences'. It was covered in bookmarks and sticky notes. "Viktor and Yuuri took the time to look through the entire thing and research the best ones for athletes like you." I looked at him.

"I'm not going to let you do that." They looked at me. "My skating days are over. I'm already 21. The window's closing anyways. Besides, I'm not going to be a burden to you anymore." I took the wheels and began to wheel myself toward the door.


"Fine!" After a few hours of them pestering me about my career, my patience had worn thin. "Fine!" They'd gotten me to let them buy me the prosthetic. "I give up." Leaning back in my wheelchair, I sighed.


They bought it the day after. It was made of silicone and had sensors that let me bend the ankle and knee. Viktor and Yuuri helped me turn it on, pressing the little button on the side. Instantly, a little green light showed on the knee. Viktor grabbed my hand and hoisted me up.

"Woah!" I wobbled and lost my balance at first, but I soon got used to it. The prosthetic itself were designed to be strapped to you through a cup-like thing that you put your stub into and then buckle to your leg. It was surprisingly comfortable, and moved quite naturally. I was soon able to climb stairs and even run. Though it was never the same as my real leg.


Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now