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I was out late that night, at a bar with Yuuri, Chris, and Pichit. Viktor had already gone back to the nearby hotel after the party.

"Hey, where you goin', pretty boy skater?" Chris grabbed my ass. Pichit took a selfie.

"Nngh!" I was frozen. Yuuri laughed at my discomfort. They were drunk. Unlike them, I was just a little tipsy.

My birthday had been a couple days ago, but I hadn't told anyone. It was a dark day for memories. And, since there's no real enforced drinking age in Japan, I was allowed to drink and smoke here.

I pulled away from the perverted skater. I walked outside. I rarely smoked, but today was an exception. I loosened my tie, rolled up my sleeves, and lit the cigarette. Smoke poured from my mouth and nose. The acrid smoke almost tasted sour on my breath. It dissolved into the soft wind. I sighed, and ran my hand through my hair.

Today had been difficult. I had met Chris, Yuri Plisetsky, and Pichit in person today, but Viktor had been standoffish ever since Chris had joined the group. We had gone to a party where Yuri had been forced to skate for us by his ballet teacher, and his angst had killed me.  As soon as he got off the ice, he was yelled at by his coach. He ran off into the restroom, and when I followed to try and calm him down, he slapped me.

"You will never understand what I'm going through!" He yelled at me through angry tears. I rubbed my sore cheek and left. 

"M-mokoto?" Viktor touched the red hand-print on my face. I pushed his hand away. I guess Yuri's anger was infectious. I do know some of what he's going through.

I puffed the smoke again. My cheek still hurt. I sighed. A hand reached out of the darkness and grabbed me by the neck. It slammed me against the wall.

"Agh!" I gasped as the air was knocked out of my lungs. Three other people came out of the shadows as well. I pressed the hot end of my cigarette into the thug's hand. He screamed and let go. I kicked anotherand one where it hurts most. he crumpled to the floor. the other two grabbed onto my arms and held me. I was completely helpless.

"Do you remember us, Mokoto Todoroshi?" The first thug punched me in the face, making blood spurt from my nose. I struggled to get loose. "You probably don't, skater boy." He kicked me in the chest. "Or should I say," he grabbed my face. "Skater girl." The thugs threw me onto the floor, sand began to mercilessly beat me.

"Agh!" I yelled in pain as one of the thugs kicked me in the chest. Another kicked me in the face, and I was out like a light.


I woke up propped up against a wall. There was a sign on my lap that read: "Skater Girl" and had a little heart on it. It was morning. I stood up, nearly keeling over from the bruises. I wiped the blood from my face. They'd split my lip. There was a hotel nearby, and I walked into it, desperate to find my friends. Pichit was sitting in the lobby, so I walked over to him.
"Mokoto! Oh my goodness! Where have you been?!" He seemed angry, until he looked at the arm I rested on his shoulder.

"Mokoto!" Yuuri ran through the lobby and skidded to a stop in front of me. He hugged me, but I tried to wrench away. "Why?" Yuuri looked sad. I showed him my arms. "Oh god." He led me up to the hotel room. "Show me your bruises."




Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now