Cut too deep

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When I was finally allowed to return home from the hospital, Yuuri picked me up. We stopped in Viktor's room.

"Viktor, I hope you can come home soon."Yuuri said quietly, and placed a bouquet of roses on his side table. The doctors had decided to keep Viktor asleep until he was healed. Excess movement could easily undo all their surgery had reconnected. I connected to Yuuri's hazelnut eyes with a blank stare, and began to walk out.

~~~Back at the house~~~

I wanted to get out my frustrations, so I locked myself in the bathroom with a razor. I slashed at my arms, not caring where I struck. I felt so much pain from losing Viktor. The doctors had said that he had a low chance of surviving an injury of that caliber. My self-inflicted wounds grew deeper and bled. I gritted my teeth, and pulled the razor away. With little effort, I threw the bloody razor against the wall. I laid on the bathmat, sobbing. My tears weren't for the pain I felt, but for the pain of the people I had grown to actually love and care about. Even if my love was one-sided.

"Mokoto?" Yuuri knocked on the door. "A-are you in there? Did something happen?"

"No." I wiped my eyes. Dammit! I forgot there are no bandages in this bathroom. I quickly opened the door. Walking down the hall, my blood dripped on the hallway floor. Guess I'd cut too deep this time.

"Mokoto?" Yuuri seemed worried. "What happened?" I couldn't even look at him. I just kept walking down the hall. He grabbed my hand, and then pulled away. His hand was covered in my blood. "Mokoto!" He was crying now "What happened? I don't want to lose you too!" I turned around. He seemed to genuinely care for me, so much so that he was crying.

"I just cut myself a little. That's all." Yuuri gritted his teeth as I showed him the cuts.

"A little?" He sighed through his tears. "Come with me, I'll help you bandage your arms." He led me back into the bathroom, and told me to sit on the plastic stool used for washing. He came back in holding a roll of bandages and some gauze. I washed most of the blood away, and he placed gauze over the wounds. He began to wrap my arms in bandages, over the gauze. Turns out, Yuuri is excellent at bandaging things.


That night, I settled into my bed with too many things on my mind. I didn't know what to do. Tomorrow was the last day we could visit Viktor. And I really didn't feel like practicing at the skating rink tomorrow. I felt empty. I barely heard the knock on my door.

"Mokoto?" Yuuri whispered.


"Uh...can we...sleep together?"


"Viktor and I usually sleep together, and I'm having some trouble getting there."

"Sure." Yuuri climbed in bed beside me. He snuggled into the covers, and buried his face in my shoulder. He was warm and his touch was comforting. He fell asleep almost instantly, and I wrapped my arms around him.

But I'm just a placeholder for the man he loves.


I woke up screaming a name
"VIKTOR!" I gasped. Yuuri woke up too. I sobbed, remembering why he was in the hospital. Viktor was so close to death. Yuuri wrapped his arms around me in an effort to comfort me.


We walked into room 526, hoping Viktor would be ok. The doctors had taken him off the sleep meds, so it was possible he could wake up. His white hair was spread across the pillow, and the tubes were still in his pale arms. He wasn't awake, but his bpm was speeding up steadily. Yuuri went to the restroom, so I sat beside Viktor. He seemed to be stirring. Viktor's eyes fluttered.
"Viktor?" I flinched back as he sat up with a shot. 
"Mokoto?" He rubbed his eyes. "Where-" he was cut off by a hug. I hugged Viktor, tears of joy running from my eyes. He seemed surprised at first, and then he warmed up to the idea. He hugged me back.

Yuuri came back minutes later.
"V-viktor?" I pulled the frozen skater towards the bed.



Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now