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I woke beside a blushing Viktor.

"Good morning Mokoto! How did you sleep?"  A light dusting of pink was noticeable on his pale cheeks.

"Pretty well, I guess." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I felt the bed shift. Was I in his room?

"Wait! Viktor...did we use...well I guess it doesn't matter." He grabbed my shirt off the floor and began to brush it with his hand. It looked as if he was removing imaginary dust from the grey material. Then he handed it to me.

"Come on, get up! You do have your surgery today, don't you?" I nodded "Well, let's get ready."

~~~time skip cause I'm lazy as f*ck!

Viktor and Yuuri were beside me when they put me under.

"We'll come see you tomorrow."

The promise Yuuri made to me and the sterile smell of the operating room were comforting as I drifted into an uneasy sleep.


Pain. Only pain. Shifting my weight just made it worse. Then I opened my eyes. Yuuri was sitting beside me in his usual shy manner, except it looked like something was on his mind. The dull pains on my chest and my lower body became more noticeable when I turned my head.

"Yuuri." I groaned. The skater looked up at me "Where's Viktor?" Yuuri's eyes widened and he spoke quietly

"Uh, Mokoto." Yuuri seemed uncomfortable. He was shifting in his seat and fiddling with his hands. "V-viktor was stabbed outside the train station yesterday."  I gasped, and then struggled to sit up. Yuuri didn't try to stop me.

"Yuuri, what room is Viktor in?" I gripped the IV tube in my arm.

"Room 526, right next door." I pulled out the needle and stood up, staggering off the bed.

"Mokoto." Yuuri mumbled "Please don't hurt yourself. Viktor would want you to stay safe." His voice cracked with sorrow, as if he were holding back his emotions with a dam made of glass. I leaned against the bed and then shoved myself to the door. I opened the grey metal door and shut it again. I staggered to the door beside me, grimacing with every step. The pains within my body were almost unbearable. It felt like somebody was pushing a knife into my stomach, and I know what that feels like. I threw my weight onto the handle of room 526, opening it. I walked inside, followed by Yuuri.

Viktor was laying in a bed, his arms spread out across the sterile white linen sheets. His face was thin and matched the sheets in color. He had tubes and wires coming off him almost everywhere. A monitor beside him showed a wavy green line, but it was straightening. His breathing seemed to be labored. I staggered to his bedside, and kneeled beside him. After examining the bandage on his chest, I rested my head on him. His chest rose and fell, and his heart beat slowly but steadily. A few tears rolled down my cheeks, and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Viktor, you idiot. Why didn't you take care of yourself like you promised me you would." I sobbed. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I stood up. Turning around, it was Yuuri. As I straightened, he looped his arms around me and tears rolled from underneath his glasses. I hugged him back, and waterfalls of salty tears flowed from our eyes. It was painful, seeing this man we both cared about and loved so much so close to death.


A/N: (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥) nuuuuuuu Viktor

Mokoto Todoroshi  (OC x Yuri!!! on Ice!)Where stories live. Discover now