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When she woke up, she found herself in an enclosed space, with just enough room for her to stand. The box was in the centre of a studio with 20+ spectators meandering around the room looking into the other various glass boxes containing more people. 

She cupped her hands against the glass and squinted to view the human stuck in the box next to hers. 

He was naked, hanging from a rope attached to the top of the box, clearly dead. 

She saw a small sign at the base of the box reading 'Death by Lynching'. She looked down, but she couldn't see a sign anywhere on her box.

"Such a beautiful piece of art", she heard one spectator say.

She looked around, seeing more boxes filled with humans.' One was overrun with rats gnawing at the man's flesh, one floated face-down in the water, and one was hard to see as her box was filled with gas. Panic set in as she banged on the glass of her box, but only one guest looked, just to turn away, uninterested. She only stopped when a spectator came up to her box, staring up at her like she was the Mona Lisa. 

The spectator looked down at the sign attached to her box, and she overheard him say "Death by starvation".

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