Scuba Diving

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A group of teenagers decide to go scuba diving in the weekends, one of them, a boy named Michael picks a specially creepy place labeled 'Danger, go at your own risk, paranormal activity' and his friends agreed. When they got all their gear and were in the boat, they were warned that they were going to swim in dark water and they won't be able to Se in specific places, Julia, starts panicking and suggests to just go somewhere else but her friends tease her and call her a baby's and hop into the water. She didn't want to be looked down by her friends so she went in after them but she still feels scared and stays behind her brother Fredrick because he's the only one she trusts and he carried a knife with him in case of sharks. Only, the water around them was empty blackness and she couldn't hear anything other than her breathing but she felt a presence with her other than Fredrick, watching her every move.
She felt scared, no, not any word in the dictionary could describe how she felt so she swam back to the boat, not ashamed if she was going to be looked down on and called names that she didn't like, she just wanted to get out of that place.
Julia waited for hours for the others to return it but she had no idea what was happening to her friends for that was much more terrifying as what she felt. Julia didn't suspect anything a first until she picks up the pamphlet and reads it, discovering that they were only supposed to be in the water for 45 minutes and it had already been more than an hour. She wakes up the boat driver and tells him but he just ignores her and mutters. "But my friends are still in the water you stupid shit!" "I know, I'll come back for them later, but it's been over time and I need to get back to the shore or I'll lose my job.
Unable to object she jumped back in the water and swam towards the place where she left Fredrick, he was still there and he appeared to be waiting, Julia felt so happy that he didn't leave or she might have never found him, she swims faster towards him and flings her arms around him, except that he didn't seem living anymore close-up.
His eyeballs were gouged out and the blood was flowing into his goggles, and he seemed to drift uselessly in the water. She pushed his corpse away and it simply dissolved into the darkness, she thought about her other friends, had Josh, Michael, Tanya, Kat, Yew and Brody met their deaths too? She swam back towards where she thought was the shore but the sea of darkness just seemed to go on and on.
Julia looked behind her and saw something following and suddenly she felt as if she was in a trance and started to slowly swim towards it, it's huge gaping mouth looked quite welcoming, its huge sharp claws certainly won't hurt would they? She thought to herself.
She let herself be consumed by the monster.
It tore her limbs off as easily as a spider's.
It picked the flesh off clean.
It crunched on her bones.
And it's still out there.

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