Isabella,s first check up/ im pregnant?

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part 20

Isabella P.O.V.3 and half weeks later

hunny are you sure your ok my mother asked me again Mum stop asking me im fine I snapped I didnt mean to be moody but it was my stupid hormones they had been driving me crazy these last few weeks I got up and bolted to the bathroom before emptying my stomach again as I walked through the hall way my mother gave me sympathetic looks Isabella signed to herself since when did her mother care she never had time for her children and now when she didnt want her to find out something she wanted to be the caring perfect mother.

" hunny I want you to get checked out u have been sick for nearly a month hunny Im not stupid my mother said I need to ask you a question oh what now I said sweetie have you you know been sexually active” my mother asked I was shocked what no dont lie she said fine yes I snap when was your last period she asked mother I know what your implying and no I snapped dont lie to me you been sick for to long for it to be the flu and your extremely grumpy ur Pregnant aren’t you what did she really just figure it out quick think a lie cover up I told myself you know what yes I say why do you suddenly care omg hunny your so younge you cant have a baby my mother said and you know what suddenly I started crying and I didnt even know why oh hunny shh its ok im here my mother said pulling me into a hug mistakes happen I just wish you had talked to me and said what guess what mum im pregnant I said well we need to get you to a doctor and checked up my mother said well sweetie il go book the appointment my mother said walking out my room and grabbing the kitchen phone,

Isabella thought to herself well that went well suddenly she got a text from Jade Sis I need you now omg how lazy she was she though to herself her sister was at home as far as she knew and she chooses to text me instead walking across the hall.

(Elizabeth’s P.O.V.)

I was late like 3 weeks late I knew what I could be I mean I had wanted this so why suddenly did I fell sick by the idea and scared Elizabeth walked to her bathroom and unlocked her bathroom draw which she had hidden the test in she got the box out and read the instructions easy well here goes !Positive she signed unable to breath this was what they had planed so why did she feel that everything had just got real her life was flushed down the toilet she really should have called the girls but instead she just crawled into bed and went to sleep.

(Jade’s P.O.V.)

I was jumping around my room well trying to but I felt sick Isabella came into my room looking like she was gona be sick why are you so happy she asked Im pregnant I said what omg Isabella said walking over are you sure well not completely but I just have this feeling and im late any sickness Isabella asked no not yet I said have you toke a test she asked yea it was positive well maybe you should come with me for my check up Isabella said wait your going who’s taking you Jade asked mum wait what I ask mum she found out she was really nice about it actually well I need to find out for sure but I cant tell mum I mean she will go nuts and she might get suspious  I mean with both use but its not like she could prove anything about it just tell mum so we can go together fine.)

I Walked down the hall way to my mother she was on the phone to the doctors office umm Mum, Said not now Jade im on the phone she said um I kind of need see a doctor 'to I said ohk hunny well ill make it a double appointment she said go get ready and tell your sister to be be ready soon I want both you down here in twenty minutes ok, She walked back upstairs to Isabella welded you tell her she asked no I just told her I need to see a doctor oh well good luck yea well mum said to be ready in twenty minutes I said walking over to my closet and changing out my pjs into a blue knee length dress and slipping my black ballet shoes on simple look I looked nice but causal why dress up for the doctors I though to myself walking downstairs Isabella was already ready in her pink dress mum had brought us the same dress but in different colors Jade may I speak to you for a moment Mum asked sure I said sitting down well ur sister how shall I say this

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