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Chelsea,Elizabeth, and Maceey’ s p.o.v.

We tried and tried to convince Isabella. We all agreed. So if

she didn’t join it wouldn’t be our problem!

Isabella ‘s p.o.v.

I really didn’t think this was a

good idea.  My parents would be so mad ,and I didn’t even have a boyfriend . So who in the

hell would be the father.  I guess I should let

Elizabeth explain a bit more.  “Fine I’m in, I said.“Promise on your life you won’t chicken out,” ,Elizabeth asks. “ I promise.” The rest ofus all promised. Then she got out a notebook, and said , “ok well we need to make some notes.”

Chelsea’s p.ov.

Once Isabella agreed, we started

to make some notes our plans .


1. Find a guy that’s kind, nice , smart ,but not

geekily ,and whatever tip we were looking for

as were all different.

2. Get to know them

3. Get pregnant

List of rules

1.  No breaking the pact

2.  To never tell anyone

3.  Do not give up no matter what

4.  Do not tell the guys

5. Keep each other updated at all times

Well we have made a plan.  Now I was a little more

scared ,but I wasn’t gonna chicken out.

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