parenthood Part 34

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Isabella woke

Up to her phone ringing she signed not wanting to get up it had been awhile since she had got a decent night sleep today her girl had decided to sleep in but her phone had woken her instead “get that dam phone before it wakes everyone up” Elizabeth yelled as a loud scream filled her room il be back in a minute Elizabeth shouted running off to see who needed her Iszy sighed and got out off her bed to reach for the phone she jumped out of bed once she read her text and ran to Elizabeth’s room Elizabeth Jade mum quick get up Chelsea’s finally having her baby she shouted as Elizabeth shhhed her she mumbled a sorry as she walked to Cassandra and hannas nursery amazingly they were still past out time to get up sleepy heads nanas gona watch your for awhile why mummy’s out ok she told them as she grabbed Hannah out before grabbing Cassandra  she took them over to there change table and checked to see if they needed changing well lets see what mummy has to deal with today should we she told her daughters as she opened up Hannah’s diaper and prepared for the worse well it looks like your all clean now doesn’t it she said relieved to find she didn’t need changing yet so she placed her down in her bouncer and took Cassandra over to be changed once she sorted her diaper she picked them out a adorable Matching outfit.

Are you hungry my beautiful girl Iszy asked Hannah as she latched on to her bottle she held one bottle in each hand with one baby in each arm in the corner of the kitchen Elizabeth sat feeding Candy Austin and Spencer she honestly didn’t know how she did it being a mum to twins was hard enough let alone triplets especially when you had triplets like hers she had watched them for her once when they were first born and gezz it was confusing when one was tired another was hungry and the other wanted attention lets just say it got very tiring very tiring but they were defiantly beautiful babies  unfortunately since There birth Nathan hadn’t even tried to get Elizabeth to reconsider let him in there life  proving her point exactly he was not ready to be a dad nor did he really want to be apart of there lives or have proven to anyway Iszy was brought out of her thoughts as Jade walked into the kitchen with a wailing baby in her arms  “he just wont shut up she cried as he continued to cry I have tried everything she dramatically said hes been like this all morning crying and crying I just don’t know what he wants Jade said taking a seat next to me  as Bentley continued to cry “why are your girls so quite she questioned  looking over at Hannah and Cassandra as they were still quietly sucking away at there bottles “I don’t trust me its taken along time to get them into a routine and they have there days.

There just hungry today “I never though being a mother would be so hard I fell like a hypocrite I mean im useless you have twins And Elizabeth’s dealing with triplets but I cant even handle one Jade told Iszy as she ran her hands through her messy hair hey its not easy everyone copes different under pressure it will take sometime but adventchly ul get a routine and yes he will still be a handful but it will be a lot easier hes just being a fussy boy today aren’t you lil Bentley Iszy cooed at him as he finally stopped crying why don’t go ask mum to watch him and go take a nap maybe even have a shower just take a hour maybe 2 and carm down trust me iv got two It never gets easier but it does in a way she explained but I don’t like bothering mum his my responsibility I had him im beginning to wonder why we made that pack to start with we were so stupid and nief she  said as she  rubbed her eyes to keep from falling asleep this is nothink like we though it would be like ”Iszy sighed as she walked over to the fridge to grab a bottle out for baby Bentley Jade this isn’t easy ik we made some stupid decisions but what’s done is done and there no going back but sometimes you just need to take a little time out and ik mum would love to watch baby Bentley for you and if you don’t want to bother her why don’t you give Zander a call and see if he can come watch Bentley after all he is his son and I have barely seen him around here Iszy asked Jade “hes just been busy with school you know he adores Bentley but he needs to finish this year or his parents will kill him you know that it’s the same with chase he hasn’t been around a lot lately Jade shot back ‘look im fine Zander,s taking Bentley for the night tomorrow anyways so Il just have to deal for today Jade told her.

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