considering adoption .Part 33

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Maycee sighed as she looked over the webpage again was she really considering this she if she did this there was no turning back she was just one click away from sending in her application she read over the page again and again before pressing send she had done it she had sent in her application to file for adoption maycee sighed as she relished how pissed off the girls were going to be with her would Xavier be ok with giving there baby away  she wasn’t sure on any think anymore except for the fact that she wanted to do what was best for this baby and deep down she knew she wasn’t meant to be a mother it was just getting to be to much after all she hadn’t really though about what being a mother meant until recently it had been 12 weeks since she had moved in with the martins and living under the same roof as six babies had defiantly given her some perspective on what it would be like to raise  a child and she knew she couldn’t do it was just to much Maycee what are you doing in there shouted Elizabeth your taking forever and I need to finish my assiment online for tomorrow or I might not pass this year Il be finished in a minute she shouted out before getting off she double checked every think  making sure to exit and delete her search history as she ran out the room deciding it was time to tell Xavier of her descion.

Chelsea’s point view

Time seemed to be ticking by and yet the baby still hadn’t came is this baby ever going to come out Chelsea shouted in frustration she was now a month over due and the doctors were talking about doing a emergency c section if the baby didn’t come soon Mason were the hell are you Chelsea shouted as the phone begain to ring imp coming im coming Mason mumbled as he answered the phone his face soon went from annoyed to worried really ok thank you we will be there shortly he replied before hanging up what’s wrong Chelsea asked trying to get up but failing we need to get to the hospital Mason told her helping her up.

So why am I here again asked Chelsea as she entered the hospital it seemed like they were always here lately because the hospital asked as to come in some think about our doctor wants to talk to us Mason said as they took a seat after announcing they were here at the front counter.’Mrs and Mr. Adams doctor Quinn Called out Mason helped Chelsea up as they followed the doctor into her room well let me explain why I called you in here shall I the doctor said Iv had a talk to the other doctor and we think for the safety of the baby were gona need to induce ur labor she explained but isn’t that risky Chelsea asked yes and no the doctor said explaining the risks to her so il need you to sigh some paper work But im afraid you don’t have much choice hunny if you don’t get this baby out soon

You could lose it or worse she told her while giving her a simpafising face.

Chelsea signed as she read over the paper work she hadn’t planed a c section it just seemed to risky but she knew they were right ok now that’s done I suggest you send Mason home to get you your baby bag and some clean clothes ect while we get you admitted sound ok to you Chelsea the doctor asked nicely I guess so she replied as

Mason told her he would be back shortly can I make a couple phone calls Chelsea asked while she followed the nurse sure make as many as you want your probably not gona be going in to tonight maybe even tomorrow morning she told her before leaving the room

Chelsea grabbed out her mobile and sent everyone a text message to let them know what was happening she hadn’t seem half of them in awhile since her wedding so a little over 3 months and that’s didn’t sit right with her they use to be so close but since having children they seemed to be slowly falling apparent unlike they had planned.

Maycee didn’t know how this was going to go down but she knew she had to do this anyway so she took a deep breath and knocked on The Adams front door not long after the door opened hey babe what are you doing here Xavier asked I need to talk to you about some think maycee told him ok come on in Maycee followed Xavier into the lounge room as she took a seat she decided to just say it and get it over with iv been thinking and I think we should give this baby up for adoption she blurted out you what Xavier asked rather shocked its for the best iv applied for a interview at our local Adoption centre in town and they look really good and its just its for the best she rushed out a Xavier still hadn’t spoken after a bit of silence he finally looked up at her are you sure he asked again questioning her its for the best we wouldn’t be very good parents and just look at how stressed Elizabeth And Jade And Isabella have been lately iv been living with them and there lives have changed so much I don’t want that I m not that strong I don’t have that much energy I have no support my family don’t wana know me sure I have you and the gang but there all busy with there own babies and your not ready either please tell me you agree she pleaded.

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