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Chelsea’s p.o.v.

So well it was official.  I had

ageed to get pregnant ,and I was Determined


Keep My Word.

Isabella ‘s p.o.v.

So what  now?, I asked Elizabeth and everyone.  Well we will just continue on like normal until we find a guy that we want to be with.

First, get them to  try  to take you on a date ,and u know the rest. Just keep trying until till it works, but How do we Convince the guy not to use a condom? ,I asked.  “I don’t know I’m not a M iracle Worker,” she says. “ You have to do that yourself.  Make up a story, or  I don’t know distract them so they forget ok,”, I said . So have you got anyone in MIND ? Not at the moment I said! What about you Maceey? ,I ask.

Maceey’s p.o.v.

Isabella asked me If I had anyone in mind. “Hmm not really,” I said. You Chelsea? Nope, She said.  Well no one had anyone in mind. This was gonna be harder then we thought! Or did I speak to soon?.

Chelsea’s p.o.v.

After we finished writing down our plan I had Math. Grr Math! I say bye to the

girls as they have different lessons ,and start heading towards the Math class room when

out of no where, I bang into someone and land on the ground.  Omg! Are you ok? ,the voice asks, offering me a hand to get up?.

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