There was a moment of silence between us.
She stared at me, holding back so much.
Her eyes slowly becoming red. Her lower lip beginning to quiver.
My words did that.
The worst part of it was, I knew I did that.
She slowly took in a deep breath, trying hard not to choke on it.
"Mia?" I said, trying to get her to focus. "Please say something."
Slowly, I felt a knot forming in my throat.
"What is there to say? Helios, you left me there. Crying for you. While you went about with a new girl." She said.
Then, without any notice, she broke.
She broke like I've never seen before. That's when I felt my heart rip right out of my chest.
What have I done?
Mia I'm sorry. I want to say that to her, but what she does next surprises me.
"It doesn't matter anymore. We were broken up. This is us trying again right?" She said wiping her tears on her sleeve taking a deep breath trying to get her composure together.
I gave her a soft look. A fake smile.
"Yes." I told her, as my voice cracks.
Why did I say this?
I should've been straightforward. I'm just hurting her. She's been through enough and I'm just making it worse.

Since you left
RandomThis story is more personal. I don't really want to say its a autobiography (lol) because I make up characters and most actions weren't actually done. This book is based off of what I had wanted to happen, a little bit of what actually happened, and...