There are days where I couldn't help but think of you.
Days where I felt this strong urge to shoot you a text, let you know how things have been going.
There are even those days where everything seems to remind me of you.
Sad thing is, I'm far from ever popping into your mind.
Does that mean I fell much harder than you?
I hate the times you appear in my mind.
Because all I could do is hate myself for the things I had done or said. For how I had handle certain situations.
I get upset with our happy memories because I could've done so much to change our outcome.
Whether we had continued to date or not, we could have ended on better terms than we had now.
There's not much I can do. The only thing I can work on is accepting what has become of us.
So, cheers to you stranger. For picking up your pieces and moving forward in life. I wish I had the ability to do just as fast as you did. Maybe I wouldn't be sitting here at six in the morning, writing something I probably shouldn't.
It just can't be helped.

Since you left
אקראיThis story is more personal. I don't really want to say its a autobiography (lol) because I make up characters and most actions weren't actually done. This book is based off of what I had wanted to happen, a little bit of what actually happened, and...