Chapter 6

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The history lesson was over and I grabbed my things, said a quick goodbye to Zayn and left through the door before Harry could catch me.

I slowed down as I neared the canteen and decided that I should get something to eat as there was another hour left of breaktime.

I ordered a salad from the nasty lunch lady, and searched again for a table.

I ordered a salad again and a glass of water. I searched around trying once again to find Liams table.

I seen him sitting there with his meal already ordered and sat in front of him, with the same group of friends as yesterday.

'Is it okay if I sit here again?sorry. .'  I asked with a small smile as I looked at this brown eyes.

He threw me a big,cute grin and replied,' Of course!What are you talking about saying sorry!You don't need to ask Erin!' He laughed.

I blushed and sat next to him and we chatted for a while. And I also taked to his friends and I actually made a female friend called Lori and she is super cool.

'Liam!We need to go get our Business Studies Revision List!' Edward ,one of Liams friends said suddenly as he stood up and grabbed Liam's arm.

'Oh yea jesus! Sorry Erin. Catch you here tomorrow, same time?' he blurted out as Edward pulled him further and further away.

'Yes of course Liam!' I smiled at him as I sat here by myself,  now realising that all the others must have left when me and Liam were talking.

I finished my salad and stared at the empty dish as I sat here like a loner.


'Ah there she is!' I heard a familiar deep voice call.

I turned my head around to see Mr.Hotstuff himself glaring at me , as he pulled the chair Liam once sat in over and perched himself on it.

'What do you want Harry..' I replied with no expression,  as I remembered that he'd spotted Louis and I this morning cuddled up on the bench.

'Oh nothing really. It's just your sitting here at a 6 seater all by yourself. Thats pretty sad.  Why didn't your boyfriend the 'HighSchool Jock' himself come sit with you?Hmm? Oh and by the way he is so gay.Like his voice is so fucking weird. Your boyfriend Is gay. Embarrassed yet? Louis is gay ha!' he laughed as he looked all proud of himself for making himself look like a full on jack ass in front of everyone.

'Fuck off Harry. Louis is not my boyfriend,  he's not a high school jock and he's not gay so why don't you wise the fuck up and get your raggidy ass the fuck out a here right? Your such a fucking jack ass saying your little speech infront on everyone acting like you know me!? Well styles you don't,  you've known me for like 2 days not even so leave me alone and stop embarrasing me and your fucking self more like!!' I shouted as I grabbed my bag and marched out the door feeling the whole of the canteens eyes on me, including Harrys.

Yes I may have caused a seen but Harry started it and I always had been a drama queen, so... I rocked at that stuff.

I looked at my gold encrusted watch as I realised there was another hour left of lunch.

I decided I'd go down to the library and read my new book , P.s I love you which so far I'd only gotten to read the first few pages of.

I smiled at the Librarian as I entered through the door and down the lonesome of the small overcrowded library.

I glanced around until I noticed someone familiar. A blonde messy head of hair in a green Ireland jersey sitting infront of a book, which looked like Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix . It was Niall.

My heart did a back flip as I looked at how innocent and secluded this boy was. I couldn't help but feel my heart melt..

I made my way over and sat next to him.

'You arent saving this for someone are you?' I smiled.

He shook his head as he flushed a bright pink.

'So, what are you reading? ' I asked as I leaned over the table with my head rested on my hand facing him.

'Harry Potter.  ' he smiled as his face lit up. Again my heart shrivelled.

'Ahh I love them books. I've read them all!' I grinned as I brushed knees with him.

He smiled at the ground as he picked up my flirtasous moves. 

'Em.. yea I have too, this is my 3rd time re-reading them. ' he smiled at me,those blue eyes doing fabulous works,  and he's no idea.

'Class!' I smiled as I looked at his lips.

I noticed his gaze then turning and looking at where my gaze was focused.  He went bright red and it was so fucking cute. 

I leaned forward and pressed my lips on his.

It was so good..

Niall had the softest lips ever. So innocent you could tell they hadn't been put in action yet and I just loved how good it made me feel. They were so irresistably soft,  like a freshly bathed and powdered babys bum. And surprisingly he kissed back which was great and made the kiss even better. Just as me and Niall were finally getting into it, a forced cough is escaped from someones mouth.

The kiss was broken as Niall and I both looked up to see who broke it.

I seen two figures one being the tootsie small librarian whom I had met warlier on at the front desk and secondly,  a tall towering and not so friendly looking Harry.

I felt Niall tense up as I realised my arms were still draped around his neck.

'Excuse me , there is no kissing in the library! ' the librarian scolded as Niall and I chuckled and I giggled into the crook of his neck.

'Now, Miss Erin, please,  This young fellow requested your prescence so you'll have to say goodbye to this young man. ' She said sternly as she grabbed my arm and took me to the front desk as Harry followed behind. ' And take it outside as there is no talking in the library!' she scolded as she threw us outside and slammed the door in our


voote plsss ★★★

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