you should never trust France

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n-night m-morning d-day 

America's POV

I was tired I wanted a break of all this work, maybe I could ask other nations if they like to join me. I called 12 of my nation friends only 9 could come but thats fine. But the problem is if I will go on vacation I will have to finish up some of my work now so I will have no time to plan this. "Hey France I have a favour!"I said and France sighed

"isn't it that you owe me a favour?"France asked

"please dude"I asked and France nodded "I need you to plan a vacation for me, England, Japan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Austria, Prussia, Spain and Romano for about three week "I said and France smiled

"oui oui America"he said walking away, I hope he gets a good deal so I don't have to pay him back so much.

Later I had a quick nap and had some McDonalds  before I had to get to work. I was honestly looking forwards to have a vacation even if I may have to eat Iggy's cooking once or twice which will be the death of me. My phone rang "hello?"I asked

"Bonjour America I have your tickets here to a beautiful cruise for three weeks departing from New York City  to Costa Rica!"France said I smiled

"great fax me those tickets dude, thanks next time England fights with you I will be on your side"I said

"why merci"France said and I hung up and put my feet on my desk and sighed, I couldn't wait I never have been on a cruise only ships. 

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Germany's POV

"are you sure you vant too go on zis cruise?"I asked Italy 

"ve~ very much doitsu"he cheered

"it vas really nice off America too doo somezing like zat"I said as we brought our bags to the front door. 

"si and fratello is going to be there so its going to be really good"Italy said smiling, I wondered what three weeks alone with all those people were going to be like  I hope its okay.

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Austria's POV 

I am getting really tired of Prussia and now he is coming on the cruise with us and i'm going to have to deal with him!!! I should have never agreed to this! "guten Morgen"Prussia said placing his bags in front of me 

"what do you want me to do with these?"I asked annoyed

"put zem vith ozers"Prussia said 

"why should I?"I asked 

"because i'm too awesome too do it ov course!"Prussia said I was already too annoyed. 

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Japan's POV (sorry but i'm not even going to try that hard with Greece or japans accent, so sorry but its too much for me)

I was getting ready when mr.Greece came into my house "i'm ready to go on the cruise"Greece said with two bags then a cage probably full of cats

"mr.Greece I don't think your allowed to bring cats on the ship"I said and he looked at the cage

"oh no this is just my favourite cat Iaponía its japan in greek"Greece said I remembered its the cat we found on my first visit to his country. 

"thats really nice of you"I bowed 

"of course"

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Romano's POV

jeez why did that damn fat pig have to invite potato and tomato bastard? I am so annoyed with him, why do I still live with this soccer obsessed man? " Roma come on are you all packed"he came running in 

"yeah and don't call me Roma"I said annoyed 

"aw but its a great nickname"Spain said grabbing our bags

"I will grab mine"I said trying to take my bags away but no luck

"no I got it Romano lets go I already started the coche"Spain said taking our bags out to the car. jeez thank god I will be able to get some rest knowing we won't be in the same room, I hope. 

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England's POV

god that Bloody idiot giving me only a day to pack all of my stuff for a three week cruise like I need a week to plan stuff. I grabbed my bag of messy packed bags it annoyed me, but I had no chance I had no bloody damn time!! jeez I got to restrain myself from pulling my hair out for three weeks. what was America trying to do, now I will have so much work to do when I come back! but I guess a little break won't be too bad I left my house and got into my car to the airport to New York.

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