the painful morning m-1

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Germany and Italy in Italy's POV

I woke up, to a empty bed I saw Germany sitting at the desk in front of the bed, I got up and went over to him "Doitsu?"I asked seeing him doing what looks like work

"good morning Italy I had one zing to do I promise zat after zis no more vork"Germany said and I nodded

"okay but only this"I said going to sit on the couch. I was still tired, I shouldn't have gotten up. Later Germany woke me up 

"you fell asleep again"Germany said and I groaned 

"oh sorry"I said

"its okay it was 4am when you got up"Germany said and I realized it was.

"oh I said trying to get up but Germany didn't let me

"if your tired go back to sleep"Germany said

"but i'm hungry"I said 

"I vill call room service for food if you promise me you vill get at least anozer hour sleep"he said and I sighed

"okay"I said ad tried to get up "i'm to tired to get up"I said and Germany sighed and picked me up. He brought me over the bed and placed me down and tucked me in 

"there okay, there will be food when you get up"he said and I smiled

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Prussia and Austria in Prussia's POV

I woke up first hearing groaning from the the other side of the bed "are you awake?"I asked

"yeah can you move"Austria asked 

"why should I?"I asked

"your leg in on leg and your arms are on my neck and face"Austria said and I noticed it and I moved 

"yeah I move when I sleep"I said sitting up yawning "I slept great what about you?"I asked

"seeing that I woke up thanks to you at about 3am not good"he said sitting up

"such a nag jeez"I said getting up brushing my hands threw my hair. Austria looked pissed 

"nag!?!?"Austria yelled "you know what never mind i'm getting dressed then going down for breakfast"he said

"but what about the room service?"I asked

"order it"

"if you go down there they are going to ask where I am then if I order room service then what!?"I asked 

"well then come down stairs do whatever but i'm going downstairs and having breakfast with other more civilized people"Austria said getting up and grabbing some clothes out of the closet and going into the bathroom. I sighed I needed someone else to talk too, I wanted to come on this cruise to wake up to different girls every morning not wake up to a upset egghead Austria every morning. I waited for Austria to come out and when he did "you can have the bathroom now"

"no"I said and Austria looked at me confused

"well your not changing out here again let me tell you that"he said

"i'm not getting changed"I yelled

"but you have too if you want to go down to eat"he said but I didn't move 

"fine we will eat up here but we are eating at the table!"Austria yelled grabbing the room service menu.

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Spain and Romano in Romano's POV

I woke up to Spain hugging me closely, I tried to move but he just hugged me tighter "get off me you tomato bastard i'm not your blanket!"I yelled trying to remove myself from him. 

"come on Romano just lie here with me for a little longer"Spain said


"because i'm to tired to move and your warm"he said my heart skipped a beat, why was that maybe because he was hugging me so hard it cut off circulation. 

"but i'm hungry and I want to get up"I said and Spain groaned 

"okay fine"he said sitting up and I looked over at the Spanish man with his messy hair. I got up and picked up the room service menu and looked over it. 

"what do you want i'm getting a couple rolls with butter and jam and a coffee?"I asked 

"do they have magdalenas?"Spain asked

"what in the living hell is that?"I asked

"there Spanish pancakes"he said and I sighed and looked

"they have normal pancakes"I said and he nodded 

"ok I will get that, thanks for asking"He said and I sighed this is going to be a long day.

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Greece and Japan in Greece's POV 

I woke up to Japan eating at the table, I wondered what he was doing up so early? "japan good morning"I said

"oh, good morning mr.Greece I have so food for you but it got cold i'm so very sorry"Japan said 

"its okay what are you doing up so early?"I asked

"early its 9am its not early, I slept in"he said and I sighed

"oh okay thanks for food"I said sitting down and started to eat it. I looked at Japan he looked so cute, he hasn't got ready for the day yet as it seems

"umm, mr.Greece your staring at me"Japan said and I gasped 

"oh sorry"I said looking over at the cat bed to see Iaponía sleeping "i'm going to get Iaponía some food"I said getting up and getting some cat food from the mini fridge and placing it in Iaponía's cat bowl. I went back over to the table and sat down

"why did you bring only Iaponía?"Japan asked

"what do you mean?"I asked

"well don't you have so many other cats?"he asked

"yeah but Iaponía is my favourite plus its the only cat I really own"I said and Japan was confused

"what do you mean own?"

"well cats are drawn to me but they aren't mine"I said and Japan nodded slowly 

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America and England in England's POV

I woke up and got up, America was snoring on the other side of the bed it was annoying but luckily I didn't hear it all night. I looked at the room service menu and decided to get some muffins for us and a coffee for America and a tea for us. I ordered it and I quickly went to have a shower it was nice and warm I wish I could jus go back to bed now. The door rang and I went to get it "good morning sir sleep well?"the young lady asked

"yes thank you so much"I said 

"here is your food have a great day"she said and I closed the door and placed the food on the table by the TV. America yawned and woke up

"good morning England"America said looking at the breakfast 

"oh muffins!!!"he said jumping out of bed. "wait you didn't make these did you?"

"no I didn't make them"I said annoyed

"thanks for the coffee and the muffins England, how was your sleep"he said mouth full of food

"good you?"I asked

"great!" America smiled it was moments like this I missed so much back then. 

"thats nice"I said smiling at him back he just kept eating and eating "America don't eat so fast yours going to get a stomachache"I said and America stopped for a moment and I sighed.

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