July 4th d-9

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England and America in America's POV

I changed the channel there was nothing good on, like where were all the cartoons just because its my birthday. I changed the channel to a celebration of the fourth of July, I was quite happy to see my country be so happy today of all days. England said he had to go out and get something honestly I was kinda hurt he should be spending the day with me. I sighed as I adjusted my glasses and looked out the window, I didn't like the reaction he gave me. He just changed the subject and told me to get ready for bed because I had a big day tomorrow.  I just wanted to confess to him thinking he felt the same way but he didn't even give me an answer, this sucks. 

"America, i'm back"England said walking through the door

"what you got there?"I asked

"well some stuff for your birthda-"England coughed up blood

"England are you okay?"I asked grabbing a rag on my way to  England

"yeah of course why would you say i'm not!?"England nervous laughed causing more blood to be coughed up. I wiped the blood off his face and floor and brought him over to our bed and laid him down. 

"You have to rest England"I said feeling his forehead it was really hot

"But....your birthday I..got stuff and we have to......celebrate...."England said weakly I sighed and sat on the looking through the bag 

"A mini American flag?"I asked 

"it was there.....and there are"he was interrupted by his coughs "Fireworks tonight so I thought"he coughed again "go together"he smiled weakly I smiled back. 

"Only if you are feeling better, are you always like this on my birthday?"I asked he nodded

"its okay i'm use to it"England said I never knew this I thought England was just being him when I saw him creepy and murderous on my birthday threw out the years. I never knew during this day he was sick coughing up blood being weak and sick I brushed my hand through his hair as he slowly fell asleep. I kissed him on his forehead and went to get some medicine for him, I walked down the boardwalk to the medic, I was worried for him for him. 

"Hey America!"Italy said walking towards me I waved at him

"How is it going?"I asked 

"Good me and Germany are getting something for your birthday"Italy smiled and Germany nodded

"what are you doing out?"Germany asked

"Getting medicine for England he is sick today"I said

"oh no hope he gets better for tonight!"Italy smiled I smiled back

"well I hope so too"I smiled "I have to get it see you tonight"I said 

"Ve~"Italy said Germany waved as I walked into the medic's room

"Hello, What is the matter?"The nurse asked 

"My boyfriend is sick"I said it felt so right calling England my boyfriend i'm sad that he hasn't even said anything of that.

"Oh no on a wonderful day like today?!"the Nurse gasped

"I know, its also my birthday so"I said and the nurse laughed

"your really lucky, anyways what symptoms does he have?"she asked

"he is coughing up blood and is really weak and coughing a lot he looks more pale than usual"I said and the nurse looked worried 

"Thats not good, umm wait here let me get something for you"she said going into the back, I sighed sat down I really wanted England to better for tonight. This is what love does to you, I could feel someone else pain more than I ever have felt my own. "Here you go Sir this is his coughing and these are sick patches that help with the weakness that one may feel and plus make sure to give him a lot of water and or ginger ale, and make sure he gets plenty of sleep and that he is not stressed out"she said giving me the pills and package

"How much to do I owe you?"I asked

"think of it as a Birthday present"she said I smiled and walked out and back to my room. 

"England?"I asked walking into our room hearing groans come from the bed. I walked over to see England in pain I put down the medicine and ginger ale I bought on the bed side table. 

"Amer....ica what do you have there?"he asked eyes almost closed he was shaking, he looked like he was dying. 

"I have some medicine for you, and if you thirsty I have a ginger ale for you, so can you sit up for a second?"I asked he nodded and sat up a little bit. "here take this pill and swallow it with this"I handed England the pill and the ginger ale and he swallowed it and laid back down and I put the medicine patch on his forehead. 

"I'm sorry"England said I was confused "I'm ruining your birthday by making you look after me"England said 

"Your not making me do anything, i'm looking after you because I love you Iggy"I smiled England blushed or was it just his sickness. "If you feel this way because I left you this day a long time ago wouldn't you be getting over that sickness on this day if we were together?" I asked


"yeah as boyfriends, wouldn't that stop this sickness on my birthday every year?"I asked he seemed not to look at me after I said that. I looked around it was a bit awkward, I walked over to the bathroom and splashed water on my face and sighed. It would seem that England doesn't feel the same way for me, I sat down on the floor and put my back to the wall. I haven't been acting like myself today and I could tell that Italy and Germany saw that  I wasn't myself either. If anything on my birthday i'm more 'egoistical' than usual i'm more over there. But seeing England like that sparked something in me, like I won't be happy until he was feeling better. jeez listen to yourself America your sounding like a love stricken idiot. I heard Coughing in the other room and foot steps I got up and opened the door and England was walking towards me with covers wrapped around him. "England what are you doing up?"I asked grabbing him so he wouldn't fall down 

"Amer.....ica I why do you look so sad?"he asked trying to smile

"You have to go to bed England"I said he grabbed my shirt 

"I'm ruining your birthday you don't have to look after me"England said pulling me closer until he was hugging me.

"No your not so stop saying you are, this is what I want to do if you are feeling bad then I feel bad"I said England's smile dropped and he sighed

"Why?"England said his legs were getting more weak he almost fell but I caught him.

"Why what?"I asked

"Why do you love me?"he asked I was shocked I was going to tell him but then he passed out I sighed and carried him back over to the bed. "I....love you"I heard England mumble in his sleep I smiled and ran my hand threw his hair 

"I love you too have a good sleep"I said sitting there running my hand threw his hair for a while.

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