So what now??? n-7

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Spain and Romano in Spain's POV

Me and Romano sat on the couch watching a movie I forgot the name but it seemed really good. I looked over at Romano who was fidgeting with his necklace I gave him. I smiled I hope he likes it "stop staring at me bastard!"Romano said looking over at me 

"Oh sorry Roma its just, do you like the necklace?"I asked

"yeah its nice, you didn't have to buy it"he said

"too late I already bought it and gave it too you!"I said and Romano rolled his eyes

"well thank you, I guess"Roma said looking away from me. Romano yawned and leaned back on the couch 

"are you tired want to go to bed now?"I asked 

"no i'm fine the movie isn't over" Romano yawned again " yet" he finished 

"come on Romano lets get you to bed"I said trying to pull him up

"!"Romano pouted 

"if this is how you act when your tired I would hate to see you drunk"I sighed and Romano looked angry

"sit down and finish the movie with me!"Romano yelled

"fine, okay"I said sitting down. Five minutes back into the movie Romano yawned again and closed his eyes. I felt something on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Romano's head resting on my shoulder asleep. I smiled and turned over and kissed him on the forehead "Buenas noches mi hermoso sol tiene dulces sueños toda la noche" I smiled and looked back at the TV (translation: goodnight (not translating Mi hermoso sol) have sweet dreams all night)

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Germany and Italy in Germany's POV

Italy sat on the bed and and I walked back and front outside the walls of the bed (confused look at there room photo again). Something was wrong and I knew that much, Italy never acts like this unless something was wrong. "Italy tell me vhats vrong!"I said walking to the bed

"No nothing is wrong stop asking me!"Italy raised his voice I couldn't take this, this was the opposite of Italy he is acting like Romano is when sad or angry. 

"Nien I don't believe zat for one second!!!"I yelled at Italy 

"don't yell at me Germany!"he yelled back

"zen tell me vhats vrong!"I said and Italy turned around and I sighed and calmed down "i'm sorry Italy its just zat i'm vorried because you never act like zis and....vell I care if your sad and if anyone did anyzing bad too you tell me so I can beat zem up!"I said and Italy turned around 

"you will judge me"Italy said looking nervous 

"come on it can't be that bad, plus your silence surprisingly is killing me"I said and Italy looked down took a deep breath and looked back up at me

"Germany, I love you, I have for quite a long time and I didn't know how to say it too you"Italy said and I paused speechless not knowing what to say "Goodnight see you in the morning"he said getting into bed and falling asleep. He didn't even give me a chance to respond in anyway, I just sat there shocked not knowing what to do or say.....Italy loves me??!

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Greece and Japan in Japan's POV

"Bye thanks again"America said closing the door. I sighed and looked over at Greece eating potato chips.

"I hope Mr.America and Mr.England have a good date"I said and Greece nodded

"Dates are parts of having a relationship right?"Greece asked and I nodded 

"yeah I believe"I said 

"we should go on a date then"Greece said I blushed I didn't know what to say 

"not tonight, but yeah sure one night"I said, I didn't know what to do anymore because I have a boyfriend!!! and i'm a boy! And yes friends sleeping together because of the problem of the couple cruise is one thing in my culture but me SLEEPING in the same bed as my boyfriend...In my culture your not suppose to sleep with your lover unless your engaged or married! 

"Are you okay Japan?"Greece asked

"yeah just thinking about our relationship"I said and Greece sat closer to me

"yeah i'm really happy"Greece smiled, his smiled is my favourite thing every time I see it my whole body just feels happy. 

"Me too"I said and Greece grabbing my chin and brought me into a kiss. I decided to kiss him back, his hands moved to my waist and my hands went around his neck and we just sat there kissing each other. "Lets go to bed i'm tired"I said pushing away 

"sure"he said as we laid down and turned off the lights. Greece moved over to me and held onto me and Iaponía came and slept next to us. 

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Prussia and Austria in Austria's POV

"So how was your day?"I asked sitting on the couch as Prussia walked through the door

"great, Rebecca is going to call me Prussia from now on"he said and I was confused did he tell her.

"You can't tell about us being nations!!!"I said 

"I didn't tell her she just asked me where I was from and I said Prussia"He said

"but the country of Prussia doesn't exist anymore"I said

"yeah thats what she said and she keeps asking for the place I was born but I keep telling her Prussia so now she is calling Prussia not knowing that my real name is Prussia" he laughed and I rolled my eyes

"if you get too serious with this human then your going to end up sad one day"I said and Prussia sighed

"stop telling me what to do your not my mother"Prussia said grabbing a beer from the fridge 

"well I thought I would just warn you i'm going to bed"I said walking up the stair Prussia following "no your not bring beer up to our bed!"I raised my voice and he rolled his eyes

"fine!"he said walking back down the stairs and sitting on the couch. Jeez I can't believe its been 6 days already seems like just yesterday we heard that we would be roommates.

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