Bored already? d-2

389 24 2

Greece and Japan in Japan's POV

I got ready for the day and walked out to the patio and looked onto the sea I was bored already and I have not even been on this boat for 24 hours. "Japan do you want to take a walk?"Greece asked and I turned around seeing him sitting on the couch with Iaponía in his lap

"sure that would be nice"I said and he put the cat down and we went out the door. 

"do you want any lunch?"he asked

"maybe I don't know maybe"I said as we walked to the top of the ship. and looked around at the beautiful sight 

"its beautiful one of these days I want to bring Iaponía up here"Greece said and I smiled 

"yes it is"I said as I turned around and saw Greece asleep on one of the pool chairs "how did he do that?"I asked walking over to him. "Greece wake up!"I said and he pulled me down onto his chest and I was shocked and quite embarrassed then he opened his eyes

"oh I thought you were Iaponía cause he does that sometimes sorry"Greece said 

"its okay, may you let go please?"I asked

"oh...."nothing happened

"so?"I asked confused

"i'm comfy could I have ten more minutes?"he asked and I nodded and he fell back asleep.

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England and America in America's POV

I was watching the sports channel, there was a baseball game on that I didn't want to miss. England came in from outside. "hey America i'm back with Lunch"he said with a container of food I paused the game and looked at England licking my lips

"yo thanks dude you are the best what did you get?"I asked and I looked inside the bag

"sandwichs and some salads"and I sighed 

"salads!"I asked

"one and its for me but you should eat something healthy so I got you a ham and cheese on grain bread"England said pulling out the food and placing it on the table

"what about white bread its good!"I said pouting 

"but not good for you okay!"he said grabbing too waters from our mini fridge and putting them on the  table. "your not eating good and believe it or not I care about your heath!"he said and I smiled and blushed a little but I hid it with my happiness of the food I was really hungry. 

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Italy and Germany in Germany's POV

"so can we!?!?!"he asked jumping up and down

"sure go get ready"I sighed and he ran to the bathroom, I can't believe that I got tricked into going to the pool. I don't like swimming that much but I guess if Italy likes it, 

"ready, get ready Doitsu!"I sighed and I walked to the bathroom and got dressed in my swim trunks. 

"ready Italy lets go"I said and Italy said grabbing my arm and started to walk up to the pool I couldn't help but look at him he was topless dragging me through the hallways. I don't know what this feeling is its all tight in my chest but light at the same time. When we got to the pool Italy dropped my hand and his towel and jumped into the Pool. "don't do that, be careful!"I yelled 

"of course I will"he said swimming around the pool. I put our stuff down at the pool side and sighed I laid down at looked up at the sun. It was a beautiful day and to spend it at a pool was great, when was the last thing I have been too a pool? I felt water droplets fall on my face and neck and I opened my eyes to see a drenched Italy looking over me.

"what is it?"I sighed

"come swimming with me!!"Italy asked as I sat up 

"why do you want me to go swimming?"I asked

"because its fun Doitsu and you do funs things  with the people you like"he said and I gave a half smiled and walked over with him and got into the pool. It was fun I couldn't say it wasn't 

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Prussia and Austria in Austria's POV 

I sat at the piano and looked over the beautiful grand piano they had "stop fussing over that!"Prussia yelled at me

"why?"I asked

"because its weird"he said and I walked up to my bag and grabbed my piano music and went back to the piano making bad faces at Prussia. Jeez can't he just leave me alone, I started and play. "not bad"he said and I rolled my eyes

"well thank you"I said and continued to play. He walked over to me with a chair and he sat down and watched me. "what are you doing?"I asked

"i'm bored and the music is nice"he said pouting and I sighed 

"if your bored go out nothing is stopping you!"I said and he sighed 

"okay I will, I will be back later"he said and I nodded and played the piano more. 

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Spain and Romano in Spain's POV

I sat there watching the football match (soccer of others) with Romano. "Are you bored?"I asked


"are you hungry?"I asked


"are you cold?"I asked


"are you-"

"if you ask another stupid question I will kick you not question ifs, ands or buts about it!!"Romano yelled and I laughed

"but like are you really bored?"I asked

"no just a little tired but i'm good"he said and I smiled

"he your tired you can lean on me"I said and he looked away 

"okay, not that I would"he said as he everything went silence then he started to lean against me. I smiled as he feel asleep his head fell of my shoulder. 

"good night mi hermoso sol"I said stoking his hair and smiled. I watched the TV more, no matter what happens as long as i'm with him its always fun.

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