the cruise

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America's POV

Everyone arrived at my house "welcome dudes to the best time of your lives"I yelled and most of them looked annoyed 

"ve~"Italy jumped for joy 

"yeah we will be leaving your cars at my house (don't question who they got there cars there) and we will be taking my limo I rented to the cruise dock"I said and everyone nodded

"it better be a big limo"Prussia said 

"Limo time"Italy yelled

"lets go"Japan said and everyone else went out to the car and we got to the docks. It was pretty nice there I was impressed with France for once. 

"pretty good I guess"Romano said

"ja fery good"Germany said while Italy and Spain jumped around

"I hope they have at least one piano on board I couldn't dream to go without a piano for three weeks"Austria said

"don't you hafe zree sousand piano songs ons your phone?"Prussia asked 

"I do but its not the same"Austria hissed at Prussia

"dudes we haven't even got on the ship yet"I said and they sighed and rolled their eyes

"do they allow cats?"Greece asked

"probably, France said that they allowed small animals"I said 

"good"he said. We showed the gates man our ticket and he gave us this piece of paper and we went up to the cruise ship. I saw a lot of couples, like a lot of couples their and its wasn't February. 

"Hello welcome to the Love boat where love is our main, no singles allowed"she said and I almost passes out what does she mean

"no singles, we must have the wrong boat"Romano said looking at his piece of paper

"well whats your names?"the woman asked 

" Alfred F. Jones"I said 

"Arthur Kirkland"England said, we used our human names for things like this

" Roderich Edelstein"Austria said

"Heracles Karpusi"Greece introduced 

"Ludwig Beilschmidt"Germany shook her hand

"ve~ Feliciano Vargas nice to meet you!"Italy said 

"Honda Kiku its a pleasure to meet you lady"Japan bowed 

"just call me Julie your cruise director"the woman said (reference to the show the love boat)

"Gilbert Beilschmidt"Prussia said winking at her

"Lovino Vargas"Romano said not making eye contact

"Antonio Fernández Carriedo"Spain said and she looked at the sheet of paper

"it says all your names on here the reservations were made by a Francis"she said and everyone looked at me with anger

"I was too  busy okay"I said

"don't you know never to trust that bloody frog"England said smacking on the shoulder

"ow okay okay i'm sorry"I said as Julie just laughed

"I think you guys will fit in just find here, its a safe space for everyone of every sexuality so don't worry about it"she said and I could hear the sighs 

"you don't understand we're not-"Julie cut off Japan

"your rooms, mr.Jones, mr.Kirkland your room"she handed us two keys 

"our room?"England asked looking at the key 

"oh are you not together did I mix everything up on here i'm sorry"she said she looked so worried and sad

"no no no its okay you didn't mix anything up it was just Arthur being Arthur"I said waving my hands and she looked at me

"but we aren't-"I put my hand over England's mouth 

"don't be mean to Julie Artie"I said taking my hand off his mouth.

"well to get back to business mr. Feliciano Vargas and mr. Ludwig Beilschmidt your room keys"Julie handed Germany and Italy two keys and Italy smiled and Germany just sighed

"its shiny"Italy said 

"yes it tis"Germany said

"mr. Gilbert Beilschmidt and mr. Edelstein your room keys"she gave them I key I started to laugh

"what!!"they both yelled

"another mix up?"she asked, Germany hit them in the stomach 

"no just rough patch"Germany said covering us I smiled at him. 

"ahh okay, mr. Kiku and mr. Karpusi your room keys"

"ahh okay this will work"Japan said

"you guys allow cats right?"Greece asked

"sure whats your cats name?"Julie asked 

"Iaponía, its japan in greek"Greece said and all went silence for a second "he is good cat, I found him with Honda he is my favourite cat, do you like cats? I wish I could be a cat there nice animals aren't they?"Greece went on and on

"oh nice, yes I do I have a cat and a dog back at home"Julie smiled

"thats nice"Greece said

"and finally mr. Carriedo and mr.Lovino Vargas your room key"she said handing it to Spain and Romano 

"what!? No non voglio questo, perché vorrei trascorrere tre settimane nella stessa stanza fracassante come il bastardo di pomodoro!"Romano yelled (translation: no I don't want this, why would I want to spend three weeks in the same freaking room as the tomato bastard!!) 

"i'm sorry sir I don't speak that language"Julie said 

"its okay its nothing bad right Lovino?"Spain put his arm around Romano 

"get off me faccio (idiot)"Romano said pushing Spain's arm off him. 

"well on your piece of paper it says your room number and floor, enjoy your stay i'm always here"she said leaving.

"America what have you done?!?!?"England yelled at me 

"its not my faults its France's"I said raising my hands

"but you put your bloody faith in France witch is the worst thing you can do"England said

"ve~I don't see the problem"Italy said

"me either"Spain said 

"like anfone else but Austria"Prussia said 

"same with me"Austria said groaning 

"listen up guys, we are here for a vacation we paid for this so why not enjoy it"I said

"but I came to meet cute girls but all the girls are not single"Prussia said annoyed

"well i'm going to see my room"Greece said

"i will come with"Japan said as they left.

"lets just get to our rooms and get settled in"I said and they all nodded

"I get the bed closest to the window because I need the natural light"Austria said

"what no I want that bed you can have the other one"Prussia yelled as they walked.

"lets go Doitsu"Italy dragged Germany along, 

"yeah lets go Roma"Spain said

"I said don't call me Roma"Romano said.I looked over at England looking super duper annoyed 

"yo dude you okay?"I asked

"yeah sure, i'm calm for now"England said 

"lets go see our room"I smiled and we left.

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