weird feelings n-6

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Spain and Romano in Romano's POV

I wasn't allowed to get out of bed ever since Spain said I was sick it was annoying me, I wasn't sick why did that bastard think I was!? "How was your dinner?"he asked crawling on the bed

"Good it would have been better if I could have ate it at the table"I yelled at Spain

"Don't yell it will strain your voice"he said I sat up "no sitting up either"he pushed me back down

"I'm not sick, I told you and my fratello why don't you guy believe me"I said sighed

"I'm so sorry I just don't like seeing mi hermoso sol in pain"he said I could feel my face grow hotter. I turned over and dug my face into my pillow.

"Well okay, thanks you stupid bastard"I mumbled and he got up "where are you going?"I asked

"I'm sleeping on the couch"he said I was shocked and sad for some reason

"why?"I asked

"Because you're sick and I don't want you to be more uncomfortable"he said and I couldn't help but get flustered at him caring for me like that again.

"Like I said I am not sick and I.....want you to the bed"I said blushing what was I saying

"You want me to sleep with you?"he asked I blushed my heart was beating a million miles peer minutes

"NO I just don't you to be uncomfortable"I mumbled and Spain smiled

"Well okay only if I can cuddle with you"he said and I looked confused

"Idiot I thought you said I was sick"I said

"Well if you say your not then you're not"Spain said and I smiled

"Okay thanks"I made an annoyed face "and only couples cuddle and after last night i'm fine with no physical contact with you" I said and turned over and turned off my light

"Will you ever tell me what that dream was about?"he asked

"Nope goodnight bastard"I said falling asleep

"Good night Roma"he said

-                         -                            -

Prussia and Austria in Prussia's POV

I laid in bed looking at the ceiling, I wondered where Austria was. When I got back to the room he wasn't here. He could of went out but shouldn't he have come back by now? It was 10:00pm and I checked the dinning hall and he wasn't here. I got up and went downstairs, what if he went over board? If he did thats nice hope he haves fun drowning. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, too be honest I wasn't tired at all. 30 minutes pass and there was a knock on the door, more like loud kicks over and over again "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR"I heard Austria's voice yell. I sighed and opened it to see Austria but his hair was messed up and his jacket was un-done and his glasses weren't centered on his face.

"Austria vhat happened?"I asked he fell on me, I almost fell over

"achool is really good *hic*"he said and I was in shocked, is he drunk?

"okay, Austria lets get you to bed"I said turning off the TV. He walked around bumping into  things over and over again making nosie and mess. "You going to have such a hangover tomorrow"I sighed and he look up to me

"carry me"he said reaching his arms up towards me

"VHAT NO!"I yelled at him he pouted 

"but I can't stairs"he said and I sighed and picked him up bridal style and carried him up the stairs to the bed "your really soft and warm"he mumbled hugging onto tightly and resting his head on my chest. It was weird but I felt good too have the egghead do this. If only I had my camera this would be great blackmail. 

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