its getting better m-4

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Germany and Italy in Germany's POV

I woke up with Italy grabbed tightly to me, it bothered me that he had no problem being so close to his friends. In my country, you only slept with people you were married too, but to cuddle with me is weird. I sighed because Italians have a different culture so I can't really get mad at him "vake up Italy its morning" 5amI said making sure it was pa5 am before.

"good morning Germany how was your sleep?" he asked 

"good, you vere holding on to me ze vhole night" I said and he looked confused

"oh yeah sorry about that I had a nightmare so I got scared, who knew frogs could be so scary"Italy said with his usual smiley happy self

"vhat are you okay? if you hafe anymore nightmares you can vake me up zats not okay Italy, are you?"I asked nervous I didn't know what to do. I have had war flashbacks but never a real nightmare like that. I felt bad I didn't know how to comfort someone that had one 

"its okay Germany I have the once in a while once its morning i'm fine your a nice comfort just being here,"Italy said giving me a smile and a thumbs up, my chest tighten up and I grew hot. 

"zat good," I said looking away 

"well, hat do you want for breakfast I was thinking we could try the french toast I know its french but I had it once at big brother France's house and it was really good,"Italy asked and I nodded he was so weird. 

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America and England in America's POV

I woke up looking over to see England wasn't next to me, I was confused, to say the least, what time was it. I looked at the clock on the other side of me at it read 8 am, so where was England I got and looked around the room and outside but nothing. No note on where he was gone or anything, I couldn't locate any missing jackets or shoes. Did he go over board!?!? I ran to the balcony and looked over I couldn't see anyone or anything but water. I turned around and went back inside I sighed and sat on the bed. God Damn It!! where in freedoms name was he I was getting worried now... I didn't want to lose him, did he go over board or is getting held captive in someone else room. I don't know all I know is that England isn't here with me having another annoying morning. My face it felt wet I was crying, all because of stupid England and his absence. I haven't cried over England since, well since I think the day after I won my independence.  I laid down and tried to go back to sleep......

"AMERICA, AMERICA WAKE UP"I heard a British accent call out my name. I opened my eyes to see a very worried England, wait England he was okay

"England!"I said sitting up and hugging him "where did you go, why didn't you leave a note I thought you went over board or something!"I said hugging him tighter

"america were you crying?"he asked and I looked surprised

"yeah so what its all your fault"I said and England sighed 

"I went to get breakfast, I forgot to take a jacket and I put on your shoes instead of mine by mistake"he said and I let go of him

"well don't do that again"I said and he smiled

"I won't, thanks for caring for me"he said and I blushed.

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Greece and Japan in Japan's POV

I woke up with a Greece sprawled out on the bed, he arm was on my neck and his leg was on my chest and his other leg was touching my legs. I was comfortable and frankly it was kinda weird, he smelt too much like cats and food. I tried to get out from underneath him back nothing worked. "um Mr.Greece could you please get off of me?"I asked but nothing "Mr.Greece!!!"I raised my voice a little higher but nothing "GREECE COULD YOU PLEASE GET OFF ME"I yelled and I heard a groan and he moved away, I couldn't believe I just yelled at someone that loud. He sat up and looked at me with tried and shocked eyes

"did you yell at me?"he asked wiping his eyes

"i'm so so sorry Mr.Greece, it wasn't my right to yell at you"I said and he tilted his head

"you called me Greece, you didn't use a mr."he said and I got nervous he was mad.

"again so sorry Mr.Greece I will make up for this rude behaviour"I said bowing ten times to show my apologies.

"oh, don't be sorry its okay its my fault"he said calming pointing at himself I was confused I thought he would yell back at me. "Its just you really only called me by only Greece a couple times so i'm happy"he said and pulled me down on the bed and cuddled me

"Mr.Greece what are you doing?"I asked

"you said you would make it up for me so too make it up to me lie here with me for a little bit"he said and I blushed I couldn't believe that he was doing this. I never had this much physical contact before in my life and it felt....weird but warm and comfy too.

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Prussia and Austria in Austria's POV

I woke up and got up to go to the bathroom, it was a normal day and if I didn't think about Prussia then he wouldn't exist. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair and went to get dressed, I walked down stairs and got some water from the mini fridge and sat down on the chair facing the ocean. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't wait to spend it far far away from Prussia. He was starting Salsa dance classes today. Why? I don't have a clue but he said if anyone asks where his partner is he will say that they don't like this kind of dance. It was pretty nice because from this time until we get to Costa Rica on the 5th of July he will be at Salsa class for a hour. I smiled and sighed that was a wonderful thought. "Hey egghead i'm up lets eat something i'm starved"he said and I sighed I still had the rest of the day, and trip to deal with this manic.

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Spain and Romano in Spain's POV 

I woke up huddled close to Romano he was wake I knew that much, but I knew when he realized I was awake he would move so I didn't. I loved to close to Romano but its had gotten weirder as the years went by. My feeling for Romano have turned into something I can't quite put my tongue on. He was warm and I was so comfy laying there next to him, yesterday he seemed so sad for some reason I wish he would tell me more things. I smiled and moved a little "Bastard are you awake!"he yelled I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I jumped a little he looked at my wide eyed face "how long have you been awake?"he asked

"about 10 ten minutes"I said and he looked away flustered I smiled he was so cute when he got flustered

"I didn't move because I was thinking of things and if you woke up then you would be more annoying "he said crossing his arms, he always does this but I don't mind.

"okay thanks for letting me rest with you Roma" I smiled stoking his hair. 

"your welcome"he said quickly "know lets get breakfast i'm hungry and its your fault"he said and I nodded.

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