a better morning m-5

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Spain and Romano in Romano's POV

I sat up a little water logged from yesterday, looking around to see Spain sitting up awake too. "good morning Roma"he said yawning and I just rolled my eyes. I felt sick, and tired I wanted to go back to sleep but I look at the clock showed it was already 10am "I had a great sleep how about you?"he asked smiling at me

"fine,"I said trying not to fall back a sleep. I could tell Spain knew I was still tired 

"how about you go back to sleep and I will get some pancakes?"Spain asked and I nodded just falling back onto the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep

In my dreams i'm always younger. I don't know why but I am, My brother is older though everyone is alway older. Mirrors never work and no matter what am always too small to reach anything. I woke up in the bed seeing my maid outfit I knew I was in a dream, I got down from the bed and started to walk down the hall. I heard Spain come up behind me "Romano why did you get out of bed"I turned around to see Spain with messy hair and pjs on

"what do mean?"I asked as Spain sat down to reach my height

"well, why did you leave the bedroom was it too hot?"he asked I was so confused how did he even get behind me without me realizing it?

"Bastard your making no sense"I yelled and Spain sighed

"do you even remember last night?"he asked and my heart started going crazy what does he mean 'last night' 

"NO!"I yelled and Spain pulled me closer and when I looked up into his eyes they were sparking and roses grew behind him as he smiled. 

"are you sure mi hermoso sol?"he asked leaning in closer. I didn't know what to do, yeah it was Spain but thinking of it I was a little child at this time. My face being a blushing mess did nothing but lean in toward Spain too. I didn't know what we were doing until our lips met, "now do you remember"he said into the kiss I didn't do anything but close my eyes "hey Romano want to copy what we did last night"he said smirking 

"OH NO IF YOU DO THAT I WILL SLAP YOUR FUCKING FACE UP YOU SPANISH BASTARD!"I yelled sitting up and all I saw was Spain standing on the edge of the bed with two bags in his hands

"all I asked is if you would like some syrup on your pancakes!"Spain said backing up looking scared. I looked around and I was in the bed on the cruise ship, my heavy breath calmed down and my checks were burning. "I'm scared to ask what that was about"Spain said placing the bags down on the table

"your a down right pedophile Spain, you should be ashamed of your self"I said getting out of bed and taking my pancakes from the bag

"i'm so confused, is everything alright?"he asked leaning closer to me, my face grew hot again and I pushed him away

"bastard of course I am, i'm going to the bathroom"I said running to the bathroom.

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Greece and Japan in Greece's POV 

I woke up on the couch with Japan's head resting on my chest, I was just laying on the couch with japan laying on me. My hands weren't around him or anything so how did he get there? "Japan?"I whispered and his eyes blinked opened. "Good morning"I said and he looked where he was and went red. 

"sorry"he said getting up from the couch with a nervous tone 

"for what?"I asked

"falling asleep on you"Japan said getting more red then ever

"its okay"I said as I sat up and looked at the time. We sat there for a minute on silence until I saw Iaponía on the shelf under the table sleeping. "did you sleep there all night?"I asked Iaponía bringing up onto my lap

"meow" i'mthe cat said and I smiled. Japan sat next to me and looked at the cute

"what a nice cat" Japan said and I nodded

"just like you," I said turning my head over to Japan. Japan seemed bothered, he was red again and he was fidgeting with his hands and moved away from me a little. "Sorry,"I said turning my head back to Iaponía

"um I'm going to get some food be right back,"Japan said getting on his coat and shoes and leaving. I like this cruise more than I thought I would

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England and America in England's POV

I went downstair to get some food, I woke up early and I couldn't go back to sleep because America was snoring loudly. I went to the dinning hall and asked for some eggs and bacon. America likes bacon right? What kind of question was that of course he does, I was walking back up the room when my phone rang, I was confused about who was calling me. I picked it up and sat outside on the pool chair. "hello?"I asked 

"well hello England it is I the beautiful France" I heard his annoying voice through my phone

"I hate you,"I said and he gasped 

"huh, what why?" he asked innocently 

"you know why, you booked us a couple's cruise"I said quietly so people didn't hear, I got up and started to walk toward our room.

"how is Austria and Prussia doing I bet its the hardest for them, it was pure genius for them"he laughed and I got really annoyed

"your a frog"I said

"well at least I paired people up that they already live with or have lived with, well everyone but Greece and Japan but they are best friends"he said and I sighed

"I guess"I said almost reaching the door

"how is it going with America, did you make out yet?"he asked I paused what did he mean make out??

"wha....what do..you...mean ???"I said nervously 

"well its a couples cruise"he said

"We aren't a Couple!!"I raised my quiet voice I little as I unlocked the door

"really?"France joked and I rolled my eyes

"okay France i'm going have to go, I brought breakfast to the room bye"I said hanging up. America sat there looking at me confused

"France called you?"he asked and I nodded

"please tell me you said you hated him for this!"America said and I nodded sitting next to America

"ohh  me gog  BACON!!!"he said 

"gog?"I asked and he didn't say anything about that and started eating the bacon

"leave some for me"I said and he started to laugh. His laugh has always been so cute I couldn't help but smile when he laughs or smiles. 


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