the second date n-8

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Romano and Spain in Romano's POV

I was shaking, was I nervous? Why was I it was just a kiss that was not meant to happen. Spain had been gone for a hour already and I haven't been able to get out of bed, shaking from the the loneliness I was feeling. I wanted Spain to come back and hug me and be annoyingly clingy, I looked around thinking to myself all about the stupid Spain. "Romano i'm home"I heard Spain call out I jumped a little at the sudden door slam. "Are you still in bed?"Spain asked walking to over to me "Roma are you okay your shaking"Spain said feeling my forehead. Something came over to me and I grabbed onto Spain's shirt and pulled him into a kiss, Spain was shocked he was shuddering. His hands slowly moving towards my waist pulling me closer deepen the kiss, then I wave of realization came over me I WAS KISSING SPAIN!!! I pushed him away and became really flustered

"I.....I....."I was at a lost of words I didn't know what came over me 

"Roma that.....unexpected especially for you"Spain stood there shocked but he was smiling 

"Well don't get use to wasn't planned either it was an accident"I crossed my arms and turned away. Spain placed his hand on my chin and made me looked back at him

"I don't think it was"he smirked I was blushing more than I ever had in my life. 

"What do you want from me?"I asked and he smiled and climbed on the bed nocking me down with him. We started to kiss again this time it wasn't a mistake no matter anything I could say, this was nice I would admit that. I couldn't think of anything other than laying there as Spain kissed me passionately.

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Prussia and Austria in Rebecca's POV???

I walked through the deck thinking of Gilbert, he was a nice man that was really handsome but I could tell that his roommate had a crush on him. And I bet anything that Gilbert likes him back, and I can't be trapped in the middle of that since i'm moving back with my family in Costa Rica. As I walked down the deck I decided to take a rain check on going to the theatre and go to the bar instead. I sat on the on the bar stool and a black man with a red apron and a bowl or pretzels in his hand came by. "Here you go ms. can I get you something?"the bartender asked

"yes may I get a dry martini with a twist?"I asked and he nodded "hey you are the bartender Gilbert knows"I smiled and the guy turned around as he started to make my drink

"yeah Gilbert is a pretty cool man you are his friend right?"the man asked.

"Yes my name is Rebecca"I said and the man handed me my drink

"i'm Robert you seem upset whats going on?"Robert asked I sighed

"Gilbert and his Boyfriend aren't getting along too well and its bugging me because i'm in the middle of it"I sighed I know Gilbert and Roderich aren't in a relationship but for the sake of the cruise I lied.

"Oh no so what do you want to do about it, we can't just leave them mad at each other for the rest of the cruise"Robert said and I nodded it seemed nice to get them together.

"Lets plan something, are you off tomorrow I have my final cruise practice at noon to 1pm then i'm free even though I have to spend sometime with Gilbert since it my last day tomorrow"I said and Robert nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

"How about 9 and then I will drop you off at your salsa class, that is if your boyfriend won't mind"Robert said and I remember I was on a couples cruise with my brother

"Boyfriend.....yeah him....i'm sure he won't mind so it sounds like I plan I better get going bye see you tomorrow Robert"I waved

"meet me here, goodbye"he waved back and I turned around. Sucker I didn't even pay for that drink, i'm such a bad person.

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England and America in England's POV

We got dressed and and head out to the show we missed the last time, it was a good show. I didn't really get the plot of it but America seemed to really enjoy it and thats all that mattered to me. I remembered it was America's birthday tomorrow, what should I do for his birthday 241st even though i'm always sick on that day this year I will do something. I looked over at America watching the show with such happiness, I couldn't believe it was 241 years ago that this brat beat me, fighting for his independence. I felt a chill of sadness mixed with a proud "England your staring at me" America whispered and I snapped out of it

"sorry, I was just"I was at a lost of words

"looking at how Handsome I am?"America smirked winking at me, I blushed and turned around to face the stage 

"yeah I guess I was"I smiled and I could hear America be at a lost of words he didn't think I would say that back. As the show ended we got up and walked out to the deck, the evening night breeze blowing in our hair. America took my hand and smiled at me, I smiled back and we started to walk back to our room. "I had a great time tonight"I said and America nodded

"yeah it was a great show, would 100% watch again"America said unlocking the door and walking in, we toke off your jackets and sat down on the couch. "So tonight was great, I guess my birthday is tomorrow"he smirked

"yes it is what you trying to get at?"I asked

"I love you England"America said getting closer to me.

"America, I...what?" I asked did he really just say he loved me? Before I knew it America had locked me into a passionate kiss I could kiss back. 

"No need to answer lets go to bed I bet your tired and we have a big day tomorrow"America smiled as he helped me off the couch. I don't know how to feel about what just happened I was just trying to take things slow not love confessions.

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Greece and Japan in Greece's POV

I was was microwaving the left over food we had from last night for dinner, Japan was having a shower and I offered to have one with him but he just blushed and shook his head and ran off into the bathroom. I know there was a big culture difference between me and him but I just want to be closer to him. I set the table and sat down, Iaponía came up and rubbed up against my leg. I picked Iaponía and started to pet him as I thought about my relationship, I was happy but Japan seemed more distance now that we are together. "Greece i'm done you can have one now"Japan said 

"Lets have dinner first I re-heated everything from the night before"I said and Japan nodded

"I would love to but i'm really tired and i'm going to bed tonight Greece"he said getting into bed. I felt sad but I understood I know what can happen when your tired but it just hurt a little. I put all the food back in the mini fridge and got into bed. Japan was facing towards the side of the bed at the edge he seemed to be so distance I wondered what was wrong.

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Italy and Germany in Italy's POV

I had a great night watching a movie with Doitsu, we wanted to get a early bed because we planned  to hang out tomorrow with everyone for America's birthday. When we got into bed I was pulled into Germany's arms it felt so nice to be there. "Is this okay Italy?"Germany asked

"Ve~its prefect"I whispered I could hear him smile. I hugged him back and we slowly feel asleep.


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