Chp 17

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I decided to join the D-League. I was playing for this team called the Blazers. I stormed into the locker room and started getting my shit together. I was so fed up with this shit. Coach always on my ass about my damn defense. My nigga I am not the whole fucking team. I not about to keep doing this shit by myself. The team started to come into the locker room. My boy Jermaine walked over to me, "Chill bro. We all know you holding yo shit."

I nodded my head and started to walk out when coach opened his office door and motined for me to come in. We walked in the office and sat down. Coach sat at his desk and just starred at me. We sat there for about five minutes before he finally broke the silence. "Watts I'm only hard on you because you have potential. You can get piked up by a major NBA team , but you polish your skills."

"Man coach I'm holding the whole damn defense by my fucking self. Them other niggas not doing shit!"

Coach stood from behind his desk, "I know that Watts. You think I have these damn people here to watch these other players. No! I bring them here to watch your ass. And I give you the work load so they can see how much you can handle."

Before I could respond there was a knock at the door. On older white man walked in. He was kind of chubby. He shook hands with coach, "Good Afternoon Coach Addison."

They shook hands and he turned to me. "Tom Benson owner of the New Orleans Pelicans."

"Nice to meet you sir. Xavier Watts."

He smiled, "Oh I know who you are that is why I am here. I want you on my team son."

Yall I felt like a bitch for a moment. I had butterflies and shit. My stomach was turning a nigga was nervous. "So how about me you and your agent meet and discuss some business."

I shook my head yes. "You married son?"

"No sir, but I am in love with the mother of my children."

"Good. You're gonna need a strong woman to keep you grounded in the city of Nawlins."

I shook my head, "How about dinner at my house on saturday night."

"Okay son you got it." He turned towards the coach, "Addison produce me another power forward please."

"Yes sir." Coach agreed. With that Benson walked out.

I tunred to coach and jumped over his deak and gave him a huge hug. "Thank You so much coach. You don't know what this mean to me man. Just Thank You so much."

He laughed, "You're welcome son. Now go home and make sure Leila whips up something good on the stomach. That's the deal closer."

I ran out of the gym and sped down the highway back to the house.

"LEILA! LEILA! BABY WHERE YOU AT!" I was running around the house looking for her ass.

I ran in the living room and she was sitting on her yoga mat meditating. I ran over ad started shaking her, "BABY! BABY!"

She punched me in the chest, "Boy why are you in here screaming. You messing up my zen."

"Baby the owner of the New Orleans Pelicans ame to practice today and he wants me on his team!" I was screaming just above a whisper.

Leila covered her mouth with her hand and jumed up on the floor, "Oh my god baby I'm so proud of you."

"Yeah. Yeah. But uhm he is coming over on tomorrow night for dinner and to discuss  business. Babe I need you to cook and make everthing look super nice."

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