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"Come on" urged Keth. Noah bit her lip. "I won't screenshot it" Keth reminded the quivering brunette. "I'm just not comfortable doing it!" Noah protested.

She was currently on an OOVOO call with her needy boyfriend, Keth.

"Babe, Evelyn did it for Matt" Keth whined. "I don't care" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Don't be such a God damnin' prude!" Keth exclaimed.

"I'm not a prude! if I am not comfortable showing you my private parts over a video call, I will not do it!" Noah defended herself.

"God Noah, everybody does it, why have you got to be so different?"

"I'm not; just because everybody else does, it doesn't mean I have to" Noah ran a hand through her thin dark brown hair.

"I'm not even asking for much. Ijust want one peek at you, nothing more, You do know I could plead for more, right?" Keth questioned.

Noah raised an eyebrow.

"Isaac Banks got Emily Connors to do much more revealing things" Keth explained.

Noah groaned.

"I don't care, Keth!" She began to fill with frustration.

"If you truly love me, you'll strip now" Keth growled.

"and if you truly love me, you'll respect my choice and my body" Noah felt tears well in her hazel eyes.

"Fine. We're over, I know plenty of girls who would strip their skin if I asked them too. I do not need you ,Noah" He spat.

"Good! Go pressure some other girl" Noah's eyes narrowed.

"Goodbye ,Prude!!" Keth jeered as he ended the call.

With that, Noah slammed her laptop shut.

Angry at herself for dating such a jerk and angry at Keth for his desire to see her bare.

Why was society like this?
Why did she have to parade around nakes to be beautiful to Keth?

If she did it too much, she was what was known as a slut.

If she did it too little, she was a dreaded prude?

Society made zero sense to Noah.


thank you so much charlotte for letting me write this. i hope you enjoyed reading this.
where i live, twelve year olds send nudes. society is becoming a horrible thing and i hope my story helps you see the pressure on young girls (and boys) to send nudes and inappropriate videos.

~ ella , @clartes ✰

Yo, Char here! It's been forever since I updated Prude. One reason is because hiatus, another because I'm out of ideas and people haven't been sending stories. Also, Ella wrote this forever ago while I was on hiatus and I finally am getting around to post it. I'm not sure if she still has the same account, I can't get in touch with her, so if anyone knows where she is, let me know so I can give her a proper shout out and such! Ella, @drowninglightly @clartes if you're reading this, thanks for this girl! I loved it!
If you'd like to write a story for Prude just email it to me at! You can basically write about whoever, whatever as long as it follows the theme artistically, and written wise!

Hey, if you haven't checked out my two stories, Slut and Boys Don't Cry please do! Slut has been completed and BDC is almost completed. I love the stories and I hope you do to!
Also, I'm writing a new story called Little Talks (I've given this speech in every one o f my stories) about teenagers with mental illnesses living in a psychiatric ward. This story will be my darkest story so far and will face pretty hard topics to talk about. I'll be doing a lot of research on it, so it'll be educational and eye opening as well! There will be many different themes, but the main storyline will focus on their illnesses and living with that. I can't wait to post the chapters that I have, but I need YOUR help! I really need a cover for it! If I use your cover as my main cover, you will get a follow (if I'm not already following you), a shoutout, a dedication, and you will be a minor/supporting character in my story!
If you make me a cover and I feature it in my chapters, you will get a shoutout, a dedication (same thing, right?) and an appearance as a character in my story! If you decide that you would like to make me a cover, PM me for the synopsis and other info.

I love you a Lottie ;) 💕

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