A/N of importance

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Hello, it's time for your regularly scheduled Author's Note where she either says she is ending the book (which she never does), putting the book on hold (often happens), or experiencing major writers block ( literally every other day).

Fortunately, this is not one of those updates! Just wanted to pop in and say

🎊 Happy New Year!! 🎊

Y'all 17 thousand of y'all mean a lot to me, and y'all that have stuck with me (a lot less than 17k) mean even more. I'm so thankful for all of you, even the silent readers!
(Wow, I used the word 'y'all way to much in that sentence that it didn't even make sense. Oh tf well. I'm an US southerner)

And with that, I wanted to remind you that you can have your own chapter published in this book. It's happened in earlier chapters and it's a way to share your writing with others! I love being a platform for people to get noticed for their beautiful work!

So, if you'd like to write a chapter (can be a true story, made up, whatever) it needs to have the same sort of theme as this story. If you need an explanation about the theme for this story either drop a comment below, pm me, or send me an email.

If you choose to write a story, all you would need to do is send it to me over email @charlotte.writes.stories@gmail.com
It can be in any kind of document as long as I can open it. Or, you can just type it in the submit box and send it that way.

I will not change your story in any way other than grammar mistakes if there are any!

I hope to see some new works in my inbox soon!

Also, one more thing, what is something new that you'd like to see in this story. What kind of characters and plots?! Drop them in the comment box below and I'll try to deliver!

Also, ps, I love challenges and crazy plots! Helps grow me as a writer!

Also, expect an update headed your way sometime soon! All I have to do is put the finishing touches on it.

Here's to new ideas, reinventions, and lots of love! Happy 2018 xxxx

Love, Charlie

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