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Part one

"Virginity is just a social construct that the church tried to use to prevent girls from having unmarried sex." The boy that sat two rows down from her, said. "There's nothing special or unique about it."

Georgia frowned at his statement. "I'd have to disagree. I take pride in my virginity. Not everyone can say they've had the same self control I've managed to have."

The boy rolled his eyes. "Of course the local prude would say that. What? Did your big daddy in the sky say that to you? Well listen, Virgin Mary, God doesn't exist and neither does virginity."

Georgia sighed. "Ah, listen closely friends. You're looking at the typical male of society. Trying to mansplain something to me while belittling me all the while. Listen... Dustin- it is Dustin, right- that type of manipulation won't work on me."

The boy sneered at Georgia's small frame. "It's Justin, actually. And you know that if you took the time to pull your head out of that stupid book." Georgia rolled her dark brown eyes at his insults.

"Oh, whatever. All I'm saying is not to shame other people for what they believe. We have different opinions, yeah. But do you have to try and insult me because of mine?"

The boy shrugged as the class listened closely. "Your opinions are stupid. You claim your entire existence on a book. Everything you say and do comes from that book that a man wrote. So don't tell me I'm mansplaining to you when you won't even enjoy life because a man told you not to."

To anyone else, Justin would've had a point. But for Georgia, that point was invalid. "I know this book wasn't written by a man, though. It was written by God through man."

The boy chuckled. "Oh yeah? And who told you that? The book? That's convenient."

Now Georgia was stumped. She never thought of it that way.

"Listen, maybe you're right. Maybe I am throwing my life away for a religion. But let me live how I want to live. I do the same for you. I don't go around judging your playboy actions, do I?"

Justin colored slightly. "I'm not a playboy."

The class mummers in a disagreement and caused Justin's olive skin to redden even more. "Just because I enjoy sex doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that." He said frankly.

Georgia shrugged. "And I didn't deny that. Would I go out and live the same lifestyle as you, no. But I won't judge you and call you names like you did to me."

Justin sighed. "Okay, okay you're right. We have a difference of opinions. You're not a prude I guess..."

Georgia laughed. "No no, I'm definitely a prude. I just take that as a compliment rather than the insult it is meant for."

Before Justin could respond, their professor interrupted. "Okay, I appreciate how you could civilly resolve this conflict. That shows your maturity as college students. Most freshman debates I have, the students still act like they are in high school. Good job. I am impressed. I look forward to the next debate."

With that, he dismissed the class. Georgia quickly packed up her meager possessions and headed out the door. As she started to leave the physiology building, she was stopped by a light grip on her arm.

She turned around and to her surprise, Justin was grinning down at her.

"Go on a date with me."

Another mini series. This one will probably have three parts.
Still looking for other ideas for new chapters though! Comment, dm, or email me ideas!
xX Charlie

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