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There is a very long AN at the bottom of this chapter.

G r a c e s o n
'A c e'

Ace Johnson watched as his brother talked on the phone with some girl named 'Rachel'.

Rachel had been over once, but she never came back because Mommy didn't like her.

Ace was kinda sad about that. Rachel was nice to Ace. She even let him sit on her lap while she and his brother watched a movie together.

Ace's brother, Danny, never let Ace watch movies with him unless a girl was over and let Ace sit with her. Danny liked having Ace around when he could impress girls.

At least that is what Michaela, his older sister, said.

Ace didn't really care either way. He was only five, what did he know?

"Yeah, well I could probably sneak out and come over later. I mean Ace will have to be asleep by then. Otherwise he'd run his mouth about me leaving."

Ace frowned. He didn't like the tone his brother was using when saying his name. "Danny, I is not a snitch!"

Danny turned and glared at the red-haired boy. "Shut up, Worm. I wasn't even talking to you. Now shoo out of my room!"

Ace crossed his short arms. "No! This is my room too, big brother! We share! I'm not leafing!" Danny muttered a 'I'll call you back' into his phone before standing up and walking toward the much younger boy.

"Get out you little nuisance or I'll make you! And you don't want me to make you!" Ace stood his ground.

"If you makes me get out of da room, I'll tell Mommy you did cover your eyes things with Rachel while I was wif you!"

Danny colored a dark red. "You promised me you wouldn't say anything."

Ace sighed. "Yeah, I know. I sorry, I won't break my promise. Even if you makes me real angry."

Danny frowned and ran a hand through his red hair. "Yeah, I'm sorry too, Bud. I just really wanna go see my girl, you know. One day you'll understand."

Ace shrugged. "I dunno, Big brother. I don't fink I wanna to have a girl like you one day."

Danny eyes widened. He began to speak slowly. " you want to have a boy one day?"

Ace scrunched his nose. "No, I don't like boys either. Boys and boy should just be friends. Just like girls and boys should just be friends."

Danny laughed, "one day you'll change your mind, Ace. You'll see a pretty girl, and bam! You're pants will get a little tighter. Trust me, you'll wanna kiss a pretty girl someday."

Ace shook his head. "I see pretty girls every day and I still don't want to kiss them. Kissing is really kind of gross. I just want to be friends and play with them."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Now us Johnson men are never ones to be prudish, you hear me Graceson? One day you'll like a girl and that's that. Now, don't argue anymore. I need to call Rachel back."

Ace shrugged. He didn't like-like girls, so what? He didn't need to like-like  girls did he? He didn't need to like-like anyone. He was fine just having them as friends.

And what did prudish mean anyway.

Here is the update.
Ace is a quality character who should have more depth to him. This chapter should have more depth, but I've come to realize that a short chapter would've been better because 5 year-olds don't stay on one topic for very long.
Thank you to all who volunteered to make a new cover for my upcoming book! I appreciate it! Be on the lookout for Little Talks which should be coming out soon.

My heart is heavy.
I'm sad.
I'm fearful for my country and the path that it's on.
It hurts to see good, honest Americans being killed in the streets for the color of their skin.
It's scary to think of my family going out of their houses daily, and perhaps never coming home because of their skin color. It's scary to hear that people don't trust police officers because of the evil men and women who lurk in the federal system.
But listen, wherever there is good, there is bad, and vice versa.
It's scary to think that after all these years of fighting racial injustice, we are still fighting it today. It's scary to think that our government officials can say and do nasty things and get away with it.
It's scary to see what is happening in other countries just because people want to hurt others.
It's scary that people are uneducated in the problems of other countries. How else can we help if we don't not know what's wrong?
It's scary to see refugees who came seeking peace, are branded as terrorists and told to go back to their 'own country' where they have nothing left but death and destruction.
It's scary to hear that people are dying daily because of their religious views.
It's scary to hear about children dying because of the clashing of countries.
It's scary to hear that people are dying  in masses because of who they choose to love.
When does it end?
But what can we do about it?
We are the generation of this day in age. People think we are lazy, inconsiderate, stupid, and good for nothing, but those are labels they put on us. We may be younger, but we have more power than we think.
Our voices can be heard louder than the ones trying to shut us down, because if we stand together, we are louder than them. We have the whole world in our pocket and at the touch of a button, we can share our voice to thousands. I never believed I had a voice until I looked at all the people reading my stories, my ideas, and my thoughts. I have a voice, and it is heard. You guys hear it! So, if you want to change the world, do it. Share your voice, because it may seem small to you, but if we speak united, nothing can stop us.
This is not just a call to my American brothers and sisters. This is a call to the world.

I am more than what they say I am, and so are you.

A hopeful Charlie

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