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* *Read disclaimer* *

J o r d a n

Jordan woke up peacefully and that was a problem.

Usually, his alarm startled him out of his deep sleep. He typically woke up with a racing heart and a hazy mind.

But today, Jordan woke up to sunshine on his face- which was a problem. He shot out of bed and glanced at his clock.

He cursed out loud when he realized he slept late- really late. He would be late for school if he didn't hurry; he couldn't afford another tardy.

He jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. He hurried into the shower and did a quick rinse before brushing his teeth as well.

Stumbling out of the shower, he ran back to his room without even drying off. He grabbed his towel and the first shirt he saw. He quickly scrubbed the towel haphazardly across his skim before yanking the shirt over his head.

He threw on his khaki shorts, shoved his feet into his black vans and hurriedly grabbed his backpack from the ground before rushed out of the house.

The ride there was fairly quick and he quickly made it to school and got into his homeroom,  barely made the bell.

He fell down into a chair and breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the teacher wasn't in the class.

Someone stopped their chatter, and turned to look at him.

"That's a weird shirt you're wearing. Don't you think you're a hypocrite for wearing it?"

Jordan looked down in surprise at what shirt he was wearing. He hadn't even checked what he put on.

Suddenly, at reading the words, he understood.

"What do you mean I'm a hypocrite?"
He asked.

"Well", the girl spoke, "you're a teenage boy wearing a shirt that says 'porn kills love.' I mean, we all know that you watch porn, am I right?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "And who gives you the right to presume that?"

She shrugged. "Pretty much everybody watches porn, especially boys."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I watched porn when I was twelve and didn't know the harmful effects it could have on me. Now, actually, I don't watch porn. I think it is highly degrading to women and men and shows off a fake love that ruins the minds of the people who watch it. It introduces impossible standards for these unfortunate peoples sexual partners that they will never live up to. It has been scientifically proven that it ruins marriages and relationships alike. Now, you can keep your sexist penis problems to yourself, thank you."

"What are you, a monk or something?" A boy asked rudely.

"No, he's just a prude," said a pretty brown- haired girl.

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Says the one who had to beg me to have sex with her. Oh, and guess what, I still didn't."

"Damn, you really are a prude if you denied sex with Saleen. That, or you're gay."

Jordan sighed. "No, I guess it means I'm the only one with standards around here."

Suddenly, he heard the single most amazing thing he'd heard all morning.

He whipped his head around at the sound of Karlie Ross's laugh and as his eyes made contact with hers, his heart began to beat erratically.

"Oh, you found that funny, Karlie? Makes sense that you would, you know being a prude and all." Saleen, the brown- haired girl, sneered.

Karlie rolled her eyes. "Oh, you're still bitter about that lame sleepover you had? That was months ago, Saleen. Let it go."

Saleen sneered. "Whatever. I just can't believe I even gave you an opportunity to be my friend. You seriously disrespected me."

Karlie reddened. "And you disrespected me. You knew I was out if my element at that grown man's  house, yet you forced me to go. Then, you publicly shamed me when I refused to kiss that jerk!"

Jordan remembered that night. It was the night he went over to her house to hang out with her brother.

Her brother got a frantic call from her and they both went to pick her up only to find her stranded by the side of the road in tears.

Her brother wanted to go back and start a riot with the kids at the party, but she pleaded him not to. Instead, she insisted that they wait outside for Sam to come out.

She refused to leave her friend alone at that party, so they waited.

That's when Jordan realized he liked her. She was too kind for her own good.

However, Jordan knew better than to pursue her. He was three years older than her, and about to go off to college. It would be cruel to start a relationship with her.

"Maybe you guys should date each other, that way you can continue your prudish ways without affecting anyone else's sex drive," another student chimed in.

"But hey, let us know if you make a Christian porno. I'd watch that." Someone snickered

Jordan doesn't know who said that last comment, but he is fed up.

"Go ahead and joke on me. Yeah, I am a prude. No, I don't watch porn, and yes, I am a virgin. But guess what? Any day now I could go off and choose to have sex making me just like you. But guess what, you'll never get to be like me again.

That shut everyone up.


**the views of the character don't necessarily always correlate to the views of the author... but I will admit that I don't support the Porn industry. I am not shaming anyone who watches porn. However, it really does kill love and unfortunately, I have seen it destroy families , or at least wreck them to where there is a lot of damage that has to be undone. I don't watch porn because I see it and immediately know it is fake. I won't tell you to stop. I won't preach to you. Many of my friends watch porn, and if you do too, please just remember that real love does not look like that.

Also, sites like Porn Hub, and anything similar, support sex trafficking. They fund the people who force men, women, and children to do unspeakable acts on camera.

Isaiah and Anita will be back within the next couple of weeks, and buckle up because that will be a roller coaster chapter. Get ready for some steam!

Charlie xx

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