Anita & Isaiah

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A n i t a & I s a i a h
(Ah-Nita) (Eye-say-uh)

P a r t T h r e e

Anita sighed between Isaiah's fervent kisses as they laid on Isaiah's bed with a house all to themselves. Anita had found that this situation had occurred often, but it never went farther than 'fooling around'.

Isaiah's hand slid up Anita's shirt and gripped the side of her waist. Anita tensed for a mere second, but quickly relaxed at the feel of Isaiah's lips on her neck.

She moaned- a new experience for her- and Isaiah immediately swung a leg over her body to get better positioning.

Inwardly, Anita knew that he had once before been in a position like this with another girl, but at the feeling of his pelvis against her, her mind quickly grew hazy.

His mouth was hot as it traveled from her neck to her collarbone, and his hand slowly trailed the side of her body as if to meet his lips.

Anita's mind was racing a thousand thought per second, and she began to feel overwhelmed. Her body was reacting in a way it had never before, and her mind was yelling for her to stop.

She had never once waged such a violent war between her body and her brain before.

She told herself, it's just Isaiah, your boyfriend. He deserves this. He deserves your body.

Isaiah, having no clue of the battle going on in his girlfriend's mind, was overcome with lust. His brainwaves were shot, and he was reacting solely on movements of passion.

The hand not under his girlfriend's shirt, goes towards her pants and quickly begins to unbutton them. He grew excited at the prospect of taking them off. His late night fantasies are finally coming true.

Suddenly Anita started crying. Isaiah jerked his hand away, sat up, and frantically began to ask what's wrong.

At his concerned tone, Anita begins to sob harder.

"Baby, baby tell me what's wrong." He said as he pulled her to his chest. "I-I'm sorry if I went to far and I scared you. Please don't hate me. I'm sorry. I-I wasn't thinking properly and I should've stopped when I realized how far it was going. Please forgive me."

Anita sniffled and pulled away. "No... its not just that... I mean, it was going really fast, but that's not the only reason I'm crying."

Isaiah ran a hand through his light brown hair. "Then what is it? What did I do?"

Anita couldn't control her tears as she tried to talk. "N-nothing! I- I'm crying because you give me everything and you're so understanding, and you treat me so well, but I can't even return the favor by letting you go any father than what middle schoolers do. You shouldn't have even wasted your t-time on a p-p-prude like me."

Isaiah roughly pulled away from Anita and jumped off the bed. "What the heck, Anita? You've got it all wrong. I respect your decision to wait however long you want. I don't date you to get anything from you. I date you because I love you. Do I want to have sex with you? Of course I do. Your body is literally Aphrodite herself. If my body doesn't remind me how addicted I am to you, then my mind does. However, I have enough self control that I'm okay with waiting. Even if that waiting mean til marriage... you know, if we ever get that far."

"Yo-you love me?" Anita asked in a small voice. Isaiah moved towards Anita who was still sitting on his now rumpled bed.

He took her face in his hands and stared at her. "I'm so deeply in love with you that I'd pull a Percy Jackson and fall into hell for you. You're the Bella to my Edward, the Selena to my Justin, the Hogwarts to my Hermione... or Dramione if you ship that."
Isaiah listens as his girlfriend giggles and his heart slowed it's panicked beat. "Basically, what I'm trying to tell you is you hold my heart in the palm of your hand and I don't want it back any time soon."

Tears leaked from Anita's eyes as she laughed.

"Even in the serious moments you're such a nerd. I love you too, and I'm sorry that I'm not ready yet. I wish I were enough for you." Isaiah shakes his head. "That's where you've got it wrong, beautiful. You are more than enough for me. I don't deserve you. "

He pulled Anita up and adverts his eyes as she pulls down her shirt and buttons her pants. Now, thinking back on the situation, he's ashamed that he didn't even stop to see if his girlfriend was okay with their fast pace. He'd been too caught up in himself. He'd never let that happen again.

He turned back to Anita and does his best to fix her frazzled hair. Upon realizing only a brush would salvage the knots he'd made in her hair, he pulled her out of his room.

"Where we going Izy?" Anita asked innocently.

"Well first, I had to get us out of that room. It was not helping my brain or my body to concentrate." Isaiah didn't need to turn back around to know his girlfriend was blushing.

"Secondly, your hair is a total mess, which is my fault, I know. We're going to get a brush to brush out those nappy locks."

Anita scoffed and jerked her hand away. Isaiah turned to look at her expectantly, but can't help but inwardly snicker at her indignant posture.

"You jerk! My hair cannot be that bad. Plus, you can't brush dry curls. That's a disaster waiting to happen!"

Isaiah couldn't hide his grin anymore. "Well, we shouldn't make it wait much longer then, huh? Let me go find a brush."

Anita rolled her eyes before grabbing a hair tie off her wrist and violently trying to put her untamed curls in a bun.

After a few seconds of struggle, she managed to tame the curls enough that they stayed above her neck. Because her neck was now exposed to the naked eye, Isaiah notices dark red spots beginning to form on her  tan neck.

He doesn't point it out, but a smirk grows so large on his face that he had to turn away so Anita doesn't assume anything suspicious.

He'll tell her later when she goes home. Just so she can hide it from her mother. Anita will freak out with worry as her mother still doesn't know about them. They will deal with that bridge later.

Right now everything is perfect

Just wanted to let y'all know that that steamy scene literally made me want to gouge my eyes out. I was disgusted writing that. Ew.
I hate all forms of intimacy unless it's gonna be with my future husband either KJ Apa or Logan Lerman. (Or Michael B Jordan tbh.... or the waiter guy I see at my fav local restaurant)
I'm boy crazy, but not enough to try to get a boyfriend. You know what I'm saying? I'm disgusted by Romantic relationships that it is hard for me to read my used- to- be favorite genre. (Romance) idk what happened.
Anyway, just wanted to portray a relationship that is full of love and super awesome stuff. Any boy who tell you "it's too late to stop now." Or "you're such a tease" is literally Satan and should be left on the spot.
That boy, no matter how excited his penis is, can stop. He has enough self control to do that. And if he shamed you for any reason, honey he ain't worth it. This goes for females and vice versa too, I'm just singling out boys because that's such a big issue right now.
(Btw this story is slightly based off of true events but the male involved was not ever this sweet unfortunately)

You can be loved by someone without having to have sex with them. Don't have sex to get and give love, have sex because you are in love. (Or just like to have sex. Idl know what y'all into.)
Xx prude Charlie

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