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TRIGGERING THEMES! Read at your own risk.

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American name: Bai

Bai's name mean 'purity' and that couldn't have been more accurate about her.

Bad didn't believe in dating. She believed in friendships and love, but she never had the inkling for a romantic relationship.

This puzzled her friends, but they didn't understand that Bai was Korean-American and practiced both American practices as well as Korean practices.

In Korea, sex wasn't as big, nor as publicized in as in America. So, because of this, it wasn't like that in her home run by two natives of Korea- her parents.

Bai wouldn't call her home life strict. She had grown up in it and never really minded when her parents told her she couldn't go certain places or do certain things.

She was okay with it. If she didn't ever go, she never knew what she was missing out on.

Bai was well- liked at school because she was kind and compassionate. She went out of her way to help others. This is most possibly why Bai was raped.

It was at school, the safest place Bai ever felt. He was a boy she thought she could trust with her whole life, and at the time, maybe her heart one day.

She had been sadly mistaken.

He lured her into a closet using her kindness against her by asking her for help.

She told him no. She begged him to stop, but he didn't care.

She never stopped fighting him once, because even though she was kind and compassionate, she was a fighter and fought for what she believed in.

Even when he left her bruised and broken on that dirty floor, Bai promised herself she wouldn't stop fighting.

However, the words he left with her would forever haunt her. 'I've finally fucked the prude. Oh wait- I guess you aren't a prude anymore, huh?'

They found her screaming in that closet, but dried eyed. She didn't cry until she sat in the hospital bed in front of her two parents.

She cried for what she lost. She cried for her namesake. She cried because he easily took what he wanted despite her refusal.

She cried because she thought her parents were disappointed that she was no longer pure.

But she couldn't have been farther from the truth.

It took years for Bai to understand that she was still pure despite what he took from her. Only she could give her purity away. It could never be taken from her.

When she learned that, she worked tirelessly to help other girls know that as well. She wanted to help heal the broken.

Bai may have been raped, but that didn't define who she was. She was her namesake- purity- because of who she was. Who she determined she would be despite what happened to her.

She would never let her past determine who she was today.

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