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G e o r g i a
Part Three

Georgia avoided any and all contact with Justin for as long as possible. It hurt to even look at him, knowing she could have him if she wanted.

It was a chaotic battle between her flesh and her soul.

It was hard because she saw him often around campus. Despite the size of the university, he was one face she saw regularly.

One Monday morning she had an encounter with him that would forever change her life. She was minding her own business at a local café on campus grounds when he walked in. She immediately became alert of his presence, but did her best to ignore him her her hearts sake.

He noticed her a few minutes later, and proceeded to frown at her when she refused to fully acknowledge him.

She watched as he strutted towards her but at the last second veered slightly to the left and sat at a table next to her.

Unfortunately for Georgia, that table was preoccupied by a pretty upperclassman. Despite being a year or two younger than her, Justin began to shamelessly flirt, falling to a familiar and well-versed pattern.

Georgia did her best to tune him out, but his overwhelming charm managed past the words on the page of the book she was reading and into her mind.

She watched out of the corner of her eye as he found ways to touch the female that he'd chosen for the day. The girl, obviously not knowing Justin's reputation, became increasingly flustered by his flirtation.

Suddenly something snapped in Georgia and she'd had enough. Tears of frustration and longing sprang up in her eyes and she hastily got up from the table she was occupying. She noisily threw her stuff in her bag as she tried to hold back oncoming sobs of anger and jealousy.

She knew she wounded his pride, but did he really have to be so cruel and tear at her heart?

As soon as all of her studying items were in her backpack, she turned briskly away and stormed out of the café. She rushed in the direction of her dorm before she was suddenly whirled around by a large hand gripping her arm tightly.

She yanked her arm out of Justin's grip before glaring up at him with watery eyes. "What?" She asked coldly.

Justin crossed his arms indignantly. "What the actual fuck is your problem, woman? You created a whole scene back there."

Georgia laughed sourly. "What's my problem? Does it matter? Why don't you go back to that pretty girl in there? Don't let me waste your time."

Justin's eyes widened. "You're jealous!"

"No I'm not!" She countered hastily in defense of herself.

Justin frowned. "Yes you are. But why? You turned me down. That girl could've been you in there, but you chose not to. You have no right to be jealous."

Georgia shook her head and wiped at her eyes that leaked slightly at the movement. "Oh,  I know! And yet, I still find myself feeling that way. Rich isn't it?"

Justin shook his head in confusion. "I don't get you. One minute you're rejecting me, and the next you're jealous about me moving on?"

"Oh my gosh for goodness sakes, you idiot boy! I don't want to physically see you moving on! Especially since I have feelings for you!"

Justin threw his hands up in frustration. "You make absolutely no sense! You're crazy, I swear it! You tell me you have feelings for me but say no to me when I ask to take you on a date! Jesus, woman, just say yes to me!"

Georgia, in a moment of weakness, finally relented. "Fine!" She shrieked. "I'll go on a freaking date with you!"

Justin, having not expected that response, was stunned into silence. "Wait, you will?"

Georgia rubbed her head as she felt a incoming headache coming on. "Yeah, I guess so. Maybe one date with you will help me get you out of my system."

Justin grinned at his victory. "Oh, I'll make sure you have such a good time that one time won't be enough."

Georgia narrowed her eyes at his mischievous tone. "Let's set some boundaries, though. It has to be at a public place. No drugs or parties or anything illegal. Just something simple, okay. It's my first date, too. So... keep that in mind."

Justin stared at her for a long moment. "I'm not understanding. This is your first date.... like ever?"

Georgia raised an eyebrow. "That's what I said, didn't I?" Justin barked out a disbelieving laugh. "This is unreal. Damn, now I have to brainstorm the perfect date. Still don't understand how a girl like you has never been on a single date, but I'll take it."

Georgia rubbed at her eyes, and was thankful to find that they had dried up. "Yeah, whatever. Just.... keep what I said in mind. Just because I said yes today doesn't mean my other morals and judgements don't stand. I'm still that prude who doesn't like to be touched."

With that, she abruptly turned and proceeded to walk back to her dorm and worry about all she had given into.

Hopefully she wouldn't regret the only decision she'd make without consulting her Lord.

Part three of a mini series within this book.
I already have the finale chapter for these two chat mostly written out, but not everything's complete with them. I hope you enjoy these characters as much as I do.

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