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G e o r g i a
Part Four

She knew the day would come where she would have to make the hardest decision of her life.

God or Justin?

She was standing on the brink of a very large ledge where only darkness lay below. She could let herself fall and feel good for awhile. Justin would treat her well. But how long would it be til she hit the ground?

Or, she could back up and move safely away from the ledge, but farther than ever from Justin's arms.

She had to make a decision because she couldn't have both.

He stood there, tears in his beautiful blue eyes as she contemplated the decisions that would affect them both forever.

Her heart broke at his reaction. She knew what he was thinking. She shouldn't take this long to think about it. She should automatically choose him.

"You told me you loved me." He whispered brokenly. "And now you say you don't know if you can do this anymore? Why the fuck did you lie? What changed? What did I do?"

Georgia begged the tears to leave her eyes as she tried to speak. "I do love you. Gosh, can't you see how much this is hurting me? But Justin, I can't have you both. I can't be with you and still love God the way I need to. I'm focused more on our relationship that me and Him. I mean, we almost had sex last night! That was a real wake up call for me!"

Justin scoffed. "And yet, we didn't! We stopped. Isn't that enough for you? I stopped for you because I know how much this means to you!"

Georgia frowned. "Yes, and then what happens when neither one of us can stop? What happens when I wake up and everything I believe in is gone because of one night of stupid mistakes?"

Justin narrowed his eyes. "So all I would be is a mistake? Wow, that's all I am? You know, I've never had sex with someone I love. But, with you I know it'd be special because I love you. What is so bad about sex when it's with someone you love? It's just another way to show affection."

Georgia groaned  in frustration. "This is what I mean! You don't get me! How can you respect me if you don't get me!"

"So you're just going to throw a year worth of relationship away? You are really that cruel to toss away all that I've done for you? I mean, I haven't had sex in over a year. I haven't been a prude a day in my life and for you I've sacrificed my sex life."

Georgia's eyes flashed. "I never asked you to do that. In fact, it was you who pursued me knowing full well about my prudish and traditional values. Don't throw your 'sacrifices' in my face when you knew the consequences."

Justin sighed. "Okay fine, you're right. But haven't I shown you as much love as you say your God does. You speak about unconditional love but where were you when you needed consoling? In my arms. Where you should be. Where has your God been where I haven't. Can he comfort you like I can? Can you touch him like you can touch me. You don't even truly know if he's real, but I am. I am right here."

Georgia shook her head sadly. This only confirmed her decision. He'd never really understand her. One day he'd grow tired of her and her relationship with the Lord, and he'd make her decide. She had to let him go now before she would never be able to do it.

Justin saw the resolve in her eyes and nearly crumpled before her.  He knew her answer before she even spoke. "Baby, don't leave me."

But she had to, because she couldn't reject her morals for a boy who would eventually reject her.

Short chapter because I want to get the next, and final, chapter to this mini series out. Sad, I know, but if it makes you happy, the next chapter will contain over 1,000 words!!!! I'm very excited for that chapter honestly!
Love, Charlie

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