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(Cas- sid-ee)

When looking at Cassidy and Thoebe, you would think that they are carbon copies of one another.

However, once you get to know them very well, you begin to notice that there are very obvious differences about them.

Physically, Thoebe has a mole on her right earlobe, an indicator for their friends that she was who she was and Cassidy lacked the charming dimples that adorned Theobes face when she smiled.

These differences were not noticeable enough to tell the girls apart right off the bat, but their internal differences were noticeable a mile away.

For one, Thoebe's reputation was a lot different than Cassidy's.

She slept around a lot and partied as often as she could afford to. Cassidy, on the other hand, had never had sex, did not plan to soon, and never went to parties unless it were to chaperone her sister.

Somehow, she had gotten dragged into going to the biggest party of the year. It was a graduation party for the seniors graduating from university. Cassidy didn't want to go, but someone had to be the one to drive her soon- to- be drunk sister home.

"Thebe, you're coming back to the dorms tonight. If you don't, I will seriously call Mom this time."

Theobe rolled her sky blue eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. I will if you promise me you'll have some sort of fun tonight."

Cassidy snorted. "That's unlikely. You know this isn't my scene." Theobe pouted dramatically towards her younger sister of fifteen minutes.

Cassidy chuckled. "That look doesn't work on me. I use it too, you idiot." Theobe laughed loudly. "Worth a shot... but no seriously. We aren't gonna be here long. Just enough to get a couple shots in my system and spend time with Jace."

With that, she abruptly turned and disappeared into the mass of sweaty college students.

Cassidy rolled her ocean eyes at her retreating sister. She hated the boyfriend. He was such a dick.

As if the devil were listening, she hears a deep, sultry voice behind her.

"Hey baby, anyone tell you how fine you look tonight?" Cassidy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come on Jace. You should be able to tell your girlfriend and her twin sister apart by now." She said crossly, turning to look at the deviously handsome man.

Jace smiled devilishly. "Oh, I know who I'm talking too."

"Huh?" Cassidy asked in confusion. Suddenly, in one fluid motion, Jace opened a door behind Cassidy's body and shoved her into the dark room.

He shut the door with a thud, and stared hungrily at the girl in front of him.

"Now that we are finally alone, we can have some me and you time."

Cassidy's heart began to beat furiously beneath her white blouse. "Wha...what are you talking about? Theobe is looking for you. She's the one you want."

Jace rolled his blue eyes. "Come on now, Cass. You really aren't that naive are you?"

Cassidy frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Jace walked towards Cassidy slowly and reached his hand out to caress her dark skin. "It's always been you, Baby. Theobe was just to pass my time to get close to you. I mean, it did help that she looks like you. She really sated my sexual fantasies for a while."

Cassidy turned her lip up in disgust. "What are you on? Are you drunk right now because you're not making any sense."

Jace leaned his face into Cassidy's neck and she stiffened at the proximity.

"I'm making perfect sense, Babe. I want you. I've been wanting you, and tonight I intend to have you."

Cassidy shoved Jace away from her forcefully.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but nothing will ever happen between us. And I'll be telling my sister about your cheating ass."

"Why are you such a prude compared to your sister. Lighten up." Jace says in annoyance. "You should be damn near grateful I want a nappy-haired girl like you."

Cassidy brushed past the tall boy before her. "Why would I be grateful that a trash can wants me? Who knows what diseases I'll catch from it." With that, she unlocked the door, ignored the stunned look in his face, and didn't look back.

Yo, so what do y'all wanna see next? I don't have any current ideas and would love to hear from y'all!
Xx Charlie

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